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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If no PS3 price cut, then Wii60 will steam roll over PS3 in holiday 2009

It doesnt matter what games Sony might have, momentum is on Xbox 360 and Wii's side. If Sony doesnt slash the prices, it could be worse than holiday 2008. The sales data for the first half of this year provide plenty of proof the substantiate the facts. Even the amazing and breath taking AAA heavely hyped Killzone 2 couldnt make a dent in sales. What will Sony do? They dont want the shed another $billion dollars and they dont want to lose market share. (A $100 price cut would reduce income by a $billion dollars for every 10 million units sold. )

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Okay... obvious flamebait account.

But, with the new 45nm cell, SONY should be able to either cut the price, or get a PS3 slim by the Christmas rush.
If not... they need GT5 to be released Worldwide.

Otherwise, it will be trounced.


How is this a flame? This is a website about sales discussions. What elese is there to talk about? We cant talk about reality or its a "flame account"?

"What will Sony do?"

This is the question that´s been asked millions of times over the past months, and the answer is always the same....we don´t know, at least let´s wait till E3 for a hopefully clearer picture.

gameman said:
How is this a flame? This is a website about sales discussions. What elese is there to talk about? We cant talk about reality or its a "flame account"?

I just think you are from the 3 threads youve created... all slating SONY and backing up MS.

Also id like to add, 360 wont have momentum this christmas, its sales are already faltering to about the same as the PS3... the Wii will be the only console with big demand... if things keep up like they are.



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Well Microsoft is having YOY increases and Sony is having YOY decreases. Like I said, I thought this was a sales discussion web site. How can we avoid that fact and have an actual conversation? People are so jumpy.

This has already been discussed many times though, I think that's where a lot of the anger comes from. If you're starting out on the site and you're already clearly showing which side you prefer and how much you hate another, than you're not going to be very liked here. At least make some nice posts before proclaiming how doomed another company is. From the two threads of yours that I have read, they're basically saying how the PS3 is doomed and how badly it's doing compared to the 360.



I know they are... i never disputed that.

You just remind me of "The Xbox Man" for some strange reason.


As Carl said, without GT5 you are probably right. But this falls under the "wait until after E3" category.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

but there will be a price cut that is obvious ...

Time to Work !