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For all the bashing going on in this thread, and accusations of trolling. Remember this nobody forced anyone to respond. The original poster may be looking for trouble, but so are the responders. Actually it is truly idiotic. A lot of you bitch about the same redundant threads, but you respond every damn time they are posted. Which bumps them up the page. While novel threads slip right off the bottom. You control the content. There is such a thing as beneath comment.

To put it in layman's terms if you keep feeding them they are never going to leave. The truth though is that a lot of you get off on this sadomasochism, or self abuse for the uninformed. You enjoy the normalcy, or enjoy having a target to vent against. So you really should thank the original poster for giving you exactly what you want. Most of you would have ignored a unbiased, intelligent, original post had that been the one provided after all.