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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Uncharted And KZ2 The PS3 Gears And Halo Titles?...

They aren't nearly as popular or as unique.

Besides, Halo has absolutely monstrous marketing behind it, and Gears is...just unique?

Uncharted is not that long, and the appeal isn't too wide-reaching. KZ2 looks amazing, but it isn't reinventing anything.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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forevercloud3000 said:
Parasitic said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Are you truly trying to say that people think of Gran Turismo when they think of Playstation? It may be Sony's best selling 1st party title but it is not what defines the playstation. When I hear people talking about Playstation their is a viariety of titles they boast about. When Ithink of popular titles on the XBOX, what comes to mind? Halo and Gears, Fable never even passes my mind until someone brings it up. Same goes for Nintendo and Mario. They have become synonymous with one another.

So when Sony pops up in another person's mind, do you seriously expect them to remember every game that makes Sony's gaming brand what it is?

I think you're just refusing to ackowledge that the 360's success isn't relying heavily on the Halo series like the Xbox1 did. Onyx made a perfectly good point - he made a list of great games on the 360 yet you still end up trying to counter it, simply because Halo/Gears are the first things that come to your mind when you think of the Xbox. Besides, it shouldn't be surprising that Halo 3 is still going strong. It's got tons of ways to play with friends.

Quality games with a good amount of social features often end up having a long lifespan. Thats just it, Its most of the time a different game. I rarely hear two fans have the same game that they feel defines the playstation while one usually does for the XBOX or Nintendo system. I see gamers in their most vulnerable state on a regular basis, while they are buying games. Customers frequently ask me or an associate, "can you find me a game like...?" for whatever system they own. The FIRST thing that pops out of majority 360's owners mouth's are Halo and Gears. Wii owners its Mario, Zelda, Wii Sports. This trend does not follow with the Playstation systems. More often then not customers come in looking for some niche titles that I have never heard before.

The only reason I even took the job that I have now is to do marketing research, such as this particular topic.

And I am not refusing to believe anything. I just don't agree with it, which is different with being a stubborn ass.



lol so working as a retailer at a game shop qualifies as market research. Your a bright one aren't you


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

SaviorX said:
They aren't nearly as popular or as unique.

Besides, Halo has absolutely monstrous marketing behind it, and Gears is...just unique?

Uncharted is not that long, and the appeal isn't too wide-reaching. KZ2 looks amazing, but it isn't reinventing anything.


Neither did Halo or Gears of War, what's your point?

The Halo francise is the most overrated bland game to ever hit the console market. It provides a bad name to all FPS that even showed effort at creating an original entertaining plot.

I probably have more ps3 games than you :/ 

forevercloud3000 said:

I dont beleive sales dictate what defines a console. I don't even understand how you can say that. If nobody buys a game, then how can it define a console? It takes sales to define a console because people have to play the game. Seriously, why are you arguing me on this point? The more a game sells, the more it becomes defined on that particular console. If Halo sold 100,000 copies do you think it would still be the defining game of the Xbox brand? Plenty of games sell well but that doesnt mean that they are a gamer's favorite series. A gamer's favorite series does not dictate a game being a defining game for a console. My favorite game of this gen is Burnout Paradise. I can purchase it on two different platforms. How exactly is that defining anything? That just means many people played it. If many people play a game, and it sells remarkably well, it's pretty logical to assume that some of them are going to love it. If enough love it, it's easy to assume it'll become a defining title. What gives you the impression that Valkyria Chronicles is defining? It's hardly sold a thing, and the large majority of PS3 owners have probably not even heard of it. So how can it be defining if the majority of a console's ownership doesn't know it exists?

check my other post to Parasitic to see how I conclude what games defines a system. Your argument was that you work at Gamestop, thus you see what consumers are interested in. You see a portion of a buying audience, but you see a more educated crowd in general, so I don't buy your bull that you just get customers asking for Gears/Halo/Mario/Zelda/Wii brands. You work in the store most notorious for getting informed gamers and your reply to Parasitic makes it sound like you work at Walmart.



unbiased doesn't mean I don't have a preference or that I cannot decide between two opposing views.

I like Playstation, big surprise. But I like Playstation because for me it gives me more bang for my buck. I have an all access media player which rarely gives me proprietary mumbo jumbo, a gaming system that offers me some of the most robust and quality titles around, and at a reasonable price(exspensiveness gauged by what Im getting for my dollar). It also gives me free online. I love the fact Sony seems to work against the grain just to get out what I want in a game. It is not irrational or imcomprehensible.

I dont hate the 360, I do hate Microsoft, a company that has spent it's entire lifespan sucking up smaller more talented companies and ruining their quality with mediocre content. I hate the fact that the 360 has such an outrageous failure rate, forces proprietary accessories on you(a step back from the XBOX) with the illussion that you save more money on the system. I hate the fact that you have to pay for live, even though MS is one of the wealthiest companies in the world. At least this explains the bias.

I may not own a Xbox or 360, but I have thought about purchasing them. I initially was going to get a Xbox after years of only owning a PS2. Yet that was annexed after MS stopped supporting it just aftere the 360's release. I also thought about owning a 360, then I saw the failure rate. In my mind, I gave them both a chance.

I can make a decision and still be fair about it...Your issue is that you reach a conclusion and then form an argument around it. This post is particular shows that. Your last seventeen "Wah wah Square Enix is screwing the PS3" rantings showed that. You continuously change your talking points when others corner you, but never your ending argument. I've yet to see you budge one iota on a single argument you've started/joined in on. You're a very stubborn poster, you are not easy to reason with even when evidence is thrown at you, and even many PS3 owners that are typically very pro-Sony will choose to not support you. Usually any evidence you provide is highly anecdotal in nature, like in this topic regarding your Gamestop findings and your personal views on titles being defining instead of what the populace thinks.

You've still yet to give me any solid evidence that...

1. Sales and "defining titles" have no correlation.

2. Any title other than Gran Turismo is defining for the PS3.

I have my theories on why though. I believe because you live in America you lack the vision to see past that and look at Sony's lineup in a worldwide sense. Halo and Gears are very popular here, and Gran Turismo is heavily favored in Europe and Japan. It skews your vision not seeing the global market.





Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

ok...halo receives mass marketing now because its become so huge, if halo didnt have that initial massive response it would have never been marketed to the point that it has reached....tomb raider was once at a somewhat similar level of popularity and marketing for the ps1 in the mid 90's (re;ative to the times, the industry was much smaller then)

and for some reason, a game becoming a brand is being seen as a negative.
In buisness, brand is everything, and once again any and every company wants it.
Gears is becoming another defining game just because it was good enough to appeal and reel in so many ppl. games like these are the reason 360 is surpassing its install base for xbox1. I dont recall gears having any significant increase in marketing from any other exclusives from any console, if mass marketing were the case mgs and killzone should be just as popular and profitable, shouldnt they? the faCT of the matter is, a game can be marketed in whichever way in as much intensity as can be afforded, but ultimately the game has got 2 deliver, marketing only gets ppl 2 take a look, its after that initial look in that its all up2 the product.
Most sony games havent reached that level of appeal historically but especially this generation. Still the tomb raiders and gran turismos of the world still stood high and mighty over the rest both in quality and sales.
everyy succesful system has had a brand or iconic game figure, its why they were successfuk, games sold, moved systems, install base grew, ppl looked in2 the systems library of games, bought more games, more sales, more money for the company, bigger risks, more flexibility, more innovative diverse games....the industry is where it is today because of the brand the competing companies have produced.
And just because a system or company has an iconic game or 2, doesnt mean their game library lacks diversity...these games just happened 2 stand out of the pack.

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I feel partly responsible for the turn of events, fuck.

I know on my part, when I said Sony never had a "defining title" what I meant was that there was no game that is synonomous (sp) with the Playstation brand. I saw someone say that Gran Turismo is that game, mostly due to its sales success I guess. I also saw him say its hard to understand if you live in America. I have to agree. No one I know with a Sony system ties it to Gran Turismo. No one. And I know a shitload of gamers. I know its not scientific evidence or anything, but it is what shapes my opinion. I can ask those same gamers what comes to mind when I say Nintendo and they will USUALLY say Mario. If I say XBox, I will USUALLY get Gears or Halo. That doesnt mean I think its the only reason for their success respectively. I'm not stupid, I know there are a ton of great games on all 3 consoles. All I was trying to say is that IMO there isnt a single game that is joined at the hip with the Playstation brand. The biggest brand in the Playstation lineup is.....The Playstation brand itself IMO. For a while, the word Playstation was basically a replacement for video game. More people (meaning people who dont follow gaming very much) know the name Playstation more than any exclusive game made for it.

With that said, I dont think the comparison holds. If anything, the PS3 doesnt have its Halo and Gears yet. MGS4 may be its Gears I guess, but who knows if it will ever have a Halo. GT5 maybe according to posts in this thread. 


I am a gamer. Not a fanboy, not a troll, a gamer. So when you dont like what I have to say, remember this fact.

SaviorX said:
They aren't nearly as popular or as unique.

Besides, Halo has absolutely monstrous marketing behind it, and Gears is...just unique?

Uncharted is not that long, and the appeal isn't too wide-reaching. KZ2 looks amazing, but it isn't reinventing anything.


Metroid and Kill.Switch want to have a word with you.

It's cool. In this thread there was a bit of excessive fanboyism but we forget that we're in the most exciting era of video games ever. The industry is finally respected and even sought out and i believe will eventually be on par or surpass the movie industry. As a result, there are more people, more diversity, more opinions which is forcing these companies to make better more innovative games. Also the fact that there is no clear superior console, yea the wii sells like paris hilton porn but it doesnt really enjoy the respect of the gaming world as the 360 and ps3 do and fiercely compete for. I own a 360 and i absolutely love it, i purchased the 360 after extensive research into the respective libraries and prefered the 360 by alot, nowadays the ps3 has certainly come around and are bringing some kick ass games to the war front, which i imagine will only provoke MS to bring the heat as well so i'm excited. All my friends have a ps3 though, soo im getting 1 anyway, its odd that living in america all my gamer friends have ps3's, literally all 20 or so of them, not 1 360...smh. so i gotta bite the bullet and drop the cash.

Lets just sit back and enjoy the fireworks...MS sony and Ninty will do most of the fighting...and we reap all of the reward....well, and go broke.....

its an unfair world.....nobody wins completely but u dont really lose.......isnt that kinda fair?? no? ...just a thought... im sleepy

PullusPardus said:
SaviorX said:
They aren't nearly as popular or as unique.

Besides, Halo has absolutely monstrous marketing behind it, and Gears is...just unique?

Uncharted is not that long, and the appeal isn't too wide-reaching. KZ2 looks amazing, but it isn't reinventing anything.


Metroid and Kill.Switch want to have a word with you.

Does Metroid=Halo? I don't really get the connection outside of Samus' suit looking somewhat similiar to Master Chief's.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.