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It's cool. In this thread there was a bit of excessive fanboyism but we forget that we're in the most exciting era of video games ever. The industry is finally respected and even sought out and i believe will eventually be on par or surpass the movie industry. As a result, there are more people, more diversity, more opinions which is forcing these companies to make better more innovative games. Also the fact that there is no clear superior console, yea the wii sells like paris hilton porn but it doesnt really enjoy the respect of the gaming world as the 360 and ps3 do and fiercely compete for. I own a 360 and i absolutely love it, i purchased the 360 after extensive research into the respective libraries and prefered the 360 by alot, nowadays the ps3 has certainly come around and are bringing some kick ass games to the war front, which i imagine will only provoke MS to bring the heat as well so i'm excited. All my friends have a ps3 though, soo im getting 1 anyway, its odd that living in america all my gamer friends have ps3's, literally all 20 or so of them, not 1 360...smh. so i gotta bite the bullet and drop the cash.