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ok...halo receives mass marketing now because its become so huge, if halo didnt have that initial massive response it would have never been marketed to the point that it has reached....tomb raider was once at a somewhat similar level of popularity and marketing for the ps1 in the mid 90's (re;ative to the times, the industry was much smaller then)

and for some reason, a game becoming a brand is being seen as a negative.
In buisness, brand is everything, and once again any and every company wants it.
Gears is becoming another defining game just because it was good enough to appeal and reel in so many ppl. games like these are the reason 360 is surpassing its install base for xbox1. I dont recall gears having any significant increase in marketing from any other exclusives from any console, if mass marketing were the case mgs and killzone should be just as popular and profitable, shouldnt they? the faCT of the matter is, a game can be marketed in whichever way in as much intensity as can be afforded, but ultimately the game has got 2 deliver, marketing only gets ppl 2 take a look, its after that initial look in that its all up2 the product.
Most sony games havent reached that level of appeal historically but especially this generation. Still the tomb raiders and gran turismos of the world still stood high and mighty over the rest both in quality and sales.
everyy succesful system has had a brand or iconic game figure, its why they were successfuk, games sold, moved systems, install base grew, ppl looked in2 the systems library of games, bought more games, more sales, more money for the company, bigger risks, more flexibility, more innovative diverse games....the industry is where it is today because of the brand the competing companies have produced.
And just because a system or company has an iconic game or 2, doesnt mean their game library lacks diversity...these games just happened 2 stand out of the pack.