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I feel partly responsible for the turn of events, fuck.

I know on my part, when I said Sony never had a "defining title" what I meant was that there was no game that is synonomous (sp) with the Playstation brand. I saw someone say that Gran Turismo is that game, mostly due to its sales success I guess. I also saw him say its hard to understand if you live in America. I have to agree. No one I know with a Sony system ties it to Gran Turismo. No one. And I know a shitload of gamers. I know its not scientific evidence or anything, but it is what shapes my opinion. I can ask those same gamers what comes to mind when I say Nintendo and they will USUALLY say Mario. If I say XBox, I will USUALLY get Gears or Halo. That doesnt mean I think its the only reason for their success respectively. I'm not stupid, I know there are a ton of great games on all 3 consoles. All I was trying to say is that IMO there isnt a single game that is joined at the hip with the Playstation brand. The biggest brand in the Playstation lineup is.....The Playstation brand itself IMO. For a while, the word Playstation was basically a replacement for video game. More people (meaning people who dont follow gaming very much) know the name Playstation more than any exclusive game made for it.

With that said, I dont think the comparison holds. If anything, the PS3 doesnt have its Halo and Gears yet. MGS4 may be its Gears I guess, but who knows if it will ever have a Halo. GT5 maybe according to posts in this thread. 


I am a gamer. Not a fanboy, not a troll, a gamer. So when you dont like what I have to say, remember this fact.