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Forums - Sony Discussion - Variety: Sony fanboys starting to resemble Rush Limbaugh

Myviewing said:

Quite observably true. Wow. Ben Dukta has a future ahead of him to say the least.

Personally, I really don't want to own a PS3 after this, I don't want to feel like I'm associated with the current Sony fanbase considering this debacle. That's just me anyways

Remember, owning a system does not associate you with anyone. Really!!


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OK, I'm in a better mood today. No puke. All fan boys behave like a mob, remember the user reviews for R2 on meta? the reprisals are still being felt. Really all sides of this so called console war have their radical fringe. As for the person thinking i said Obama is the light, you have missed my point. The media have painted him as the saviour of American politics and the "light" which must mean the Republicans are the dark. All propaganda and all utter shit but it seems to manipulate public opinion.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

Damned elitist Variety, with their superiority complex! They're just kids, trying to impress their friends!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Is this true?

From the 'reveiwer' (I use that term lightly) who 'reviewed' LittleBigPlanet and seemed to be compltey unaware that the game had 4 player on and offline co-op. H e basically ignored the best thing about the game and instead went out of his way to attack every other aspect including the price of the PS3 which has no place whatsoever in a game review. Strangely a week later when he reviewed Fable 2 he went out of his way to praise the online mode even though he hadnt played it and it wasnt shipping with the game lol

Ben Fritz is a joke. He is without a doubt the biggest 360 fanboy in the entire reviewing community. He is the main reason other reviewers and the gaming community in general see Variety as a joke.

I found it while reading the comments section.

Do not worry about the final part of that comment. I don't care if he is an XBox fanboy or not. I just want to know if that is really true, that in the LBP review he bashed PS3 on price and forgot to even mention the 4-player online and offline. As the comment stated, attacking a game with something like the price of the console it is on indeed has NO place in a review.

This guy has zero credibility to me what so ever if this is really true.

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JazzyJeez said:

I read the article and found it an interesting read, it's true there is plenty of people that defend the PS3 like their very life depends on it but I think you could replace "sony" and “killzone” with the names of any of its competitors and it would still be more or less correct.

I thought Khuutra's reply was excellent.

One thing I did take offence to in the article was the line

Oh, and did I mention that Edge is British? (OK, Dutka didn't say that, but the fact is out there and you know that Brits think they're so much better than us Americans.)

No idea if it was tongue in cheek or not, hard to tell in that article but I thought it was quite ironic since he was talking about the insecurities of Ben Dutka and writes a very insecure opinion about how we “Brits” think of Americans.

He was inferring (or pretending to, for comedic effect) that Dutka is the one who might be thinking along these lines. So, yes, it's tongue-in-cheek, but it's actually one place where this article falls on its ass. You can't really attack somebody for name-calling instead of debating on substance, and then go and attack them for saying or thinking things which they haven't said or thought.

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Okay, serious, now. The guy had a reasonably good point, but that doesn't stop him being a moron with no sense of political correctness or impartiality.

In short, he's a fanboy, on one of those rare occasions where they're actually RIGHT...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

This is yet another article that plays up to the ignorance of "hardcore gamers."

Captain obvious here. Sony fanboys are biased. They think every PS3 exclusive is the "best example of the genre EVA."

It's not exclusive to Sony fanboys, but they make up the vast majority of it. That is why I exist.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
This is yet another article that plays up to the ignorance of "hardcore gamers."

Captain obvious here. Sony fanboys are biased. They think every PS3 exclusive is the "best example of the genre EVA."

It's not exclusive to Sony fanboys, but they make up the vast majority of it. That is why I exist.


So when XBox fanboys do this or Nintendo fanboys do this why don't you rain in on their parade?

I have always wondered this. You always have this issue with "hyping games" yet you only bring it up when Sony fans do it and seem to ignore the rest.

Why is that?










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What an interesting article.. and the author is right. How is everybody supposed to know KZ2 is one of the best shooters ever made when it has not even been released yet?


ssj12 said:
While this article does speak the truth I would like the author of the article to take the time to research the overall opinions of reviews on all the games edge reviews and compare them to other reviewer scores. I believe the author would discover that edge is by far overly harsh on all the games it reviews.


or we could take that to mean that other gamin media have given into score inflation to help push their site with developers. I think the rest of the media has been to generous with all games and fear giving out lower scores. where as edge seems closer to spot on still abit high



but then i dont think any score should be given you should have to read the article and take form it what you will. 

come play minecraft @

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