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Is this true?

From the 'reveiwer' (I use that term lightly) who 'reviewed' LittleBigPlanet and seemed to be compltey unaware that the game had 4 player on and offline co-op. H e basically ignored the best thing about the game and instead went out of his way to attack every other aspect including the price of the PS3 which has no place whatsoever in a game review. Strangely a week later when he reviewed Fable 2 he went out of his way to praise the online mode even though he hadnt played it and it wasnt shipping with the game lol

Ben Fritz is a joke. He is without a doubt the biggest 360 fanboy in the entire reviewing community. He is the main reason other reviewers and the gaming community in general see Variety as a joke.

I found it while reading the comments section.

Do not worry about the final part of that comment. I don't care if he is an XBox fanboy or not. I just want to know if that is really true, that in the LBP review he bashed PS3 on price and forgot to even mention the 4-player online and offline. As the comment stated, attacking a game with something like the price of the console it is on indeed has NO place in a review.

This guy has zero credibility to me what so ever if this is really true.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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