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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Valkyria Chronicles or Resistance 2 or Fallout 3?????

1. Valkyria Chronicles
2. Fallout 3
3. Resistence 2

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Maxwell. Yes I played the 360 version of L4D, dont know how the pc set up is, dont really care. and I only played coop which is praised as being THE BEST part of the still not impressed, Valve just got a free pass on this game from people and reviewers.

The wii is trying soooo hard to sim a real gun and does not pull it off, example RED STEEL, controls suck and dont work. As for the whole PC thing, I really dont care but do you really think your PC fanboy spam comments really help justify your answer of "Not Res 2" to the guy who posted this thread? Your basic reason was Res2 sucks cuz all console FPS suck cuz PC and Wii are superior....weak! give the guy something he can use in making a decision. He obviously likes FPS on consoles. so whats the point of trying to tell him not to buy a fps on PS3 because computers are better.

Still waiting on a New Road Rash and Legend of Dragoon 2...

PS3 Trophies


I'd reccomend Valkyria Chronicles. R2 would be my second choice.

We have an official Valkyria Chronicles thread. Just enter "official valkyria" in site search and it should be the first option.

Lots of good info in there.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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klarklar said:
Maxwell. Yes I played the 360 version of L4D, dont know how the pc set up is, dont really care. and I only played coop which is praised as being THE BEST part of the still not impressed, Valve just got a free pass on this game from people and reviewers.

The wii is trying soooo hard to sim a real gun and does not pull it off, example RED STEEL, controls suck and dont work. As for the whole PC thing, I really dont care but do you really think your PC fanboy spam comments really help justify your answer of "Not Res 2" to the guy who posted this thread? Your basic reason was Res2 sucks cuz all console FPS suck cuz PC and Wii are superior....weak! give the guy something he can use in making a decision. He obviously likes FPS on consoles. so whats the point of trying to tell him not to buy a fps on PS3 because computers are better.


@bold 1: That's generally what happens when people make a good game...

@bold 2: Red Steel sucks, it's not an example, there's a reason it got low scores while other FPS games have gotten higher.

@bold 3: It's not fanboy spam, I just told him to not waste his money and it's not just that dual analog FPS games generally aren't that great, it's that resistance 2 itself isn't that great... Insomniac really isn't the best FPS creator in the world... while the two games in comparison are a couple of the best games on PS3.

Now you're the one that went out of your way to go "nu uh don't listen to Maxwell his opinion is stupid" while you've been here what?  Less then a month?  Just a little hint, I'm opinionated and I voice it well and with good reasons, there's a reason I'm a contributor and reviewer for the site... I have all the consoles and handhelds but the 360 which I play on a regualr basis anyway due to having many friends with 360s, I'm not biased towards any of them, I LIKE GOOD GAMES, which includes good controls, fun, and for a good value.  Now if you didn't go out of your way to say things like "no don't listen to maxwell" then I wouldn't have jumped in with logical and factual reasons to buy a cheap PC game (Team Fortress 2) or a GoTY nominee (Left4Dead) over a meh game like Res 2 which is 60 vs 50 and thing is Left 4 Dead can run on a lot of older setups so most decent computers can run it unlike something like Crysis...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000


good point there... If gamers don't support quality titles companies will eventually resort to selling shovel ware. ( yes im extremely paranoid that wii will someday own 75% of the gaming industry)

a lot of quality sega titles never sold well

panzer dragoon orta
virtua fighter 5
jet grind radio


Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

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1. Fallout
2. Resistance 2
3.Valkyria Chronicles

why doesnt anyone ever mention Res 2's amazing coop?

and Maxwell I only said that comment cuz you said the controls suck and are out dated on Res 2, the controls are customizable so you sounded full of crap. I dont think youve even played the game. As for L4D nominated for Goty, Its still a horrible game regardless of the nomination and review scores, but thats your opinion which i dont care about.

Still waiting on a New Road Rash and Legend of Dragoon 2...

PS3 Trophies


I would have bought Valkria if I could have found it. So if you find it buy it! (it was a christmas present so i bought lbp instead. yes my little sister took me out shopping for my own present)

and I have more interest in Resistance 2 more than Fallout 3 because of co-op, competitive online, and I played the first one.

I also don't like WRPG's. I didn't like Elder Scrolls at all

I've been playing Resistance 2 for a while, it's probably the best shooter on the system. Strongly recommended.

Valkyria Chronicles I would buy if I could FIND IT anywhere, which I can't. From the demo, it looks awesome, though, so get that.

Fallout 3 does not look exciting to me. I hear the PS3 version has bugs and frame rate drops, though. At least it's been patched with trophies. I would say avoid unless the idea of the game really appeals to you and you have faith in Bethesda's ability to fix glaring problems.

So I say R2 and VC.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

@The Red Shade

Vakyria Chronicles is the game to get if you can only get one. Remember the era in which Sega was considered one of the best, if not the best developer in gaming? Valkyria Chronicles plays like a game from that era.

After that I'd say Fallout 3. I haven't played it myself, but my roommate has it for PC and seems to enjoy it a lot. I figure if its good enough to cause him to split time between it and Persona 3 FES, then it has to be a pretty good game.

Only pick up Resistance 2 if you enjoy the multiplayer because single player is terrible. Although if you do get Resistance 2, I promise you that the ending will catch you off guard. If you can put up with the AI, the single player may be alright with you but, I don't like crappy AI in my FPS games. It's not Haze bad but its not what I expect from Insomniac either.