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@The Red Shade

Vakyria Chronicles is the game to get if you can only get one. Remember the era in which Sega was considered one of the best, if not the best developer in gaming? Valkyria Chronicles plays like a game from that era.

After that I'd say Fallout 3. I haven't played it myself, but my roommate has it for PC and seems to enjoy it a lot. I figure if its good enough to cause him to split time between it and Persona 3 FES, then it has to be a pretty good game.

Only pick up Resistance 2 if you enjoy the multiplayer because single player is terrible. Although if you do get Resistance 2, I promise you that the ending will catch you off guard. If you can put up with the AI, the single player may be alright with you but, I don't like crappy AI in my FPS games. It's not Haze bad but its not what I expect from Insomniac either.