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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will The Wii 2 Be As Successful?

Well, it's quiet obvious the Wii is one success of a console, no doubt about it. The price, the brand, the games, they are all selling points. The thing that really makes it sell, however, s the motion controls, the Wii is "that console where you can move and the character does it too" it's that "cheaper console that imitates your movement".

This was the selling point among adults who aren't into the games but rather the novelty of the system. It's pretty obvious the Wii 2 will have motion controls and fix a few things they should have this gen, but will the console be as successful? I mean, when the new console comes out with motion controls, will those mothers who bought the Wii for themselves go "hey, there's a new Wii with motion control aswell! I'll go buy one!" or be a little more like "Hey, there's another console from Nintendo with motion controls... But I won't buy it, I already have a similar one...". I don't know if I'm making myself clear on what the point is, or if you still don't quiet understand what I'm getting to. 

My point is, if Nintendo just keeps the motion controls in their next console, the Wii 2 won't be selling as much as the Wii currently is, because the novelty of the Wii 2 would be the same as what we have today, so older people won't really be much into it, they don't care about graphics or online, so they'll just keep their Wii and not "upgrade".

This leads me to my next point: If I am right in what I'm saying, and I managed to figure this out, I'm sure Nintendo's bright minds have ALREADY thought of this and have been hard at work with the Wii 2 (they already stated they are working on the next console; they start working on their next project as soon as their current one is complete), what can they do to innovate more? Add better motion to the controls? That would be the same exact theing. They have been known for keeping things simple, so what "simple" thing can they do to their next console to keep all demographics entertained with? What possibly is their after motion controls?

This is just something I was thinking about the other day: The Wii's success is due to it's controls, that's a given. If they release their next console with nothing new, but rather a Wii HD, the console is due to succeed, no doubt, but it won't see the glory the Wii currently is.

This raises the question for the DS aswell, but we can discuss that little handheld off at another time.

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Take a look at DS phat sales vs DS lite sales, and also the DSi sales vs the DS lite sales.
They both do exactly the same thing, but people still upgraded to the lite,and are now upgrading to DSi. Same thing can be done for the Wii 2, especially if it builds carefully on what the Wii has already established. I still stick by my old idea that they're going to drop Gamecube support (and move that into the Virtual Console) and make the Wii 2 so it's backwards compatible with both Wii games AND with Wii controllers, such that the current Wiimote/balance board will even be usable with Wii 2 games.

If they boost the graphics up to PS3/360 levels, they'll be able to build off of their current motion sensing controls for something severely awesome, for very cheap, while PS3 and 360 are going to be stuck trying to make their graphics look even better than they already are now(which is going to be hard and expensive) while also trying to figure out how to implement motion controls properly; an area in which the Wii will already have had 5 - 7 years experience in by then, and a back catalog of games to match.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


The Wii 2 will have good sales, but not as good. The reason being:

The PS4 will provide much better competition than the PS3 did for the Wii. A $400 cannot compete with a $250 console no matter how good it is. I expect the PS4 to be a reasonable $300 or at worst $400 at launch and to go down from there.

1. The iPod stopped selling after the first model, right?

2. You're assuming that they'll simply iterate on the current motion controls and upgrade the technical specs. That's a rather 'birdman' way of thinking (yes, in this situation it applies to the bird as well). The idea behind the Wii isn't 'motion sensing'. The philosophy is 'finding new ways to interact with games'. Their next console will certainly do that, and they sure as hell will have learned what not to do after all these successive generations of consoles selling less than the previous.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I've said this before, but it bears to be said again.

I do not at all believe that the Wii's sellingpoint is the motioncontrols. I believe it's the entire image as a 'fun' console. The motioncontrols are a part of it, yes. A very important part. But it's far from the entire reason. It's not the novelty. It's not the innovation. It's the 'fun'. Because if you look at the best-selling games for the Wii, 'fun' is the word that best sums them up.

Wii Fit makes fitness fun.
Mario Kart Wii is fun racing.
Super Smash Bros Brawl. is fun fighting.
Wii Sports is fun sports.

I believe that the fun factor is impossible to underestimate. And if you follow my line of reasoning instead of yours, your entire argument falls flat. What Nintendo has to do next gen is then instead to increase the level of fun, not implement better motioncontrols, go HD, or any of those things that are so often suggested. That said, I have no idea what Nintendo will come up with for their next console.

This is invisible text!

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It will be interesting and tbh no one really knows. The wii was such a success because it got lots of people who wernt into videogames before and now theyre playing.

But imo i dont think the wii 2 will sell nearly as well because alot of the target audience bought the wii because it was the cool thing and because they had never owned a video game before and it interested them. However i believe that they will not upgrade because they have what they wanted. This audience dosnt care about the latest and greatest and will forever be happy playing wii sports and wii play.

But im prolly completly wrong. What do you guys think?

Long Live SHIO!

thekitchensink said:
1. The iPod stopped selling after the first model, right?

2. You're assuming that they'll simply iterate on the current motion controls and upgrade the technical specs. That's a rather 'birdman' way of thinking (yes, in this situation it applies to the bird as well). The idea behind the Wii isn't 'motion sensing'. The philosophy is 'finding new ways to interact with games'. Their next console will certainly do that, and they sure as hell will have learned what not to do after all these successive generations of consoles selling less than the previous.


1. And which iPod model is the most sold so far? The classic model. If you read, I never said it would stop selling.To the contrary, I said it would be a success.

2. You have a good point, but what I'm saying is exactly that, what new qays can Nintendo innovate and bring something fresh to the table with the Wii 2?

@1337 Gamer: To be honest, all those people need is a new revolution in gameplay to bring them into the fold. Imagine Nintendo busted out some gloves that became an extension of your hand (no power glove jokes) and some form of standard balance board or boots to the point where you didn't need the controller for motion sensing? Hold the racket however you want, use a steering wheel, actually walk where you want to go (optional)--they could easily do it.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Pete_Beast said:
thekitchensink said:
1. The iPod stopped selling after the first model, right?

2. You're assuming that they'll simply iterate on the current motion controls and upgrade the technical specs. That's a rather 'birdman' way of thinking (yes, in this situation it applies to the bird as well). The idea behind the Wii isn't 'motion sensing'. The philosophy is 'finding new ways to interact with games'. Their next console will certainly do that, and they sure as hell will have learned what not to do after all these successive generations of consoles selling less than the previous.


1. And which iPod model is the most sold so far? The classic model. If you read, I never said it would stop selling.To the contrary, I said it would be a success.

2. You have a good point, but what I'm saying is exactly that, what new qays can Nintendo innovate and bring something fresh to the table with the Wii 2?

Actually if I remember correct the Ipod first and second generation wasn't as popular as the third and fourth generations.



"This leads me to my next point: If I am right in what I'm saying, and I managed to figure this out, I'm sure Nintendo's bright minds have ALREADY thought of this and have been hard at work with the Wii 2"

A top Nintendo exec (cant remember who, might've been Miyamoto-san actually) has already said that they are hard at work designing a successor that will give people a real reason to upgrade

Have confidence in the big N, they will deliver the goods, and as for if it succeeds, it has the same advantage that the PS2 did so it should be fine.