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Well, it's quiet obvious the Wii is one success of a console, no doubt about it. The price, the brand, the games, they are all selling points. The thing that really makes it sell, however, s the motion controls, the Wii is "that console where you can move and the character does it too" it's that "cheaper console that imitates your movement".

This was the selling point among adults who aren't into the games but rather the novelty of the system. It's pretty obvious the Wii 2 will have motion controls and fix a few things they should have this gen, but will the console be as successful? I mean, when the new console comes out with motion controls, will those mothers who bought the Wii for themselves go "hey, there's a new Wii with motion control aswell! I'll go buy one!" or be a little more like "Hey, there's another console from Nintendo with motion controls... But I won't buy it, I already have a similar one...". I don't know if I'm making myself clear on what the point is, or if you still don't quiet understand what I'm getting to. 

My point is, if Nintendo just keeps the motion controls in their next console, the Wii 2 won't be selling as much as the Wii currently is, because the novelty of the Wii 2 would be the same as what we have today, so older people won't really be much into it, they don't care about graphics or online, so they'll just keep their Wii and not "upgrade".

This leads me to my next point: If I am right in what I'm saying, and I managed to figure this out, I'm sure Nintendo's bright minds have ALREADY thought of this and have been hard at work with the Wii 2 (they already stated they are working on the next console; they start working on their next project as soon as their current one is complete), what can they do to innovate more? Add better motion to the controls? That would be the same exact theing. They have been known for keeping things simple, so what "simple" thing can they do to their next console to keep all demographics entertained with? What possibly is their after motion controls?

This is just something I was thinking about the other day: The Wii's success is due to it's controls, that's a given. If they release their next console with nothing new, but rather a Wii HD, the console is due to succeed, no doubt, but it won't see the glory the Wii currently is.

This raises the question for the DS aswell, but we can discuss that little handheld off at another time.