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I've said this before, but it bears to be said again.

I do not at all believe that the Wii's sellingpoint is the motioncontrols. I believe it's the entire image as a 'fun' console. The motioncontrols are a part of it, yes. A very important part. But it's far from the entire reason. It's not the novelty. It's not the innovation. It's the 'fun'. Because if you look at the best-selling games for the Wii, 'fun' is the word that best sums them up.

Wii Fit makes fitness fun.
Mario Kart Wii is fun racing.
Super Smash Bros Brawl. is fun fighting.
Wii Sports is fun sports.

I believe that the fun factor is impossible to underestimate. And if you follow my line of reasoning instead of yours, your entire argument falls flat. What Nintendo has to do next gen is then instead to increase the level of fun, not implement better motioncontrols, go HD, or any of those things that are so often suggested. That said, I have no idea what Nintendo will come up with for their next console.

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