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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 sales predictions

the same as resistance 2 and lbp :(

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it will do relatively well ie about 400,000 first week and reach a million in about 2-3 months. However, Sony really needs to advertise this. If they do then it will sell maybe 600,000 first week or more

First week ~1 million
LTD ~3.5 million

First, Killzone sells over 2 million and based on that you say it's a failed IP and won't even touch 2 million. I'm sorry if I don't see the logic.

Second, it's one of the most anticipated games this generation, and has, I think, very little in common with the first game in the mind of the general gamer. If anything it will sell a million based on the pre-rendered e3 trailer alone.

It will be released a while after the crazy-period that is christmas, and will have very little competition, so it could very well do excellent. I'm thinking it will probably get a 90+ rating on both Metacritic and Gamerankings, which will most likely help sales even further.

It will do more than 2 million lifetime. 4 million is possible, 5 million is a stretch.

And I'll double your week one sales.

This is invisible text!

Alot of people are using Killzone 1 against its sales. I don't think its a bad thing. At least they know Killzone. It might've not been great, but it wasnt horrible, and I bet anyone who bought Killzone 1 and sees Killzone 2 advertised will probably end up buying it anyway. I know I'm gonna get it.
FPS on the PS3 and 360 are the best selling games atm. That's going to help Killzone 2. Having the best graphics will also help it. Huge marketting will help it. Sony isn't going to spend millions developing this game to see it flop!
Also, it seems alot of people here hasn't realised that Killzone 1 sold very well on the PS2. Also to note. Killzone 1 opened with 32k on the ps2, and ended up with 750k! That's very good legs!
My prediction is 800k-1.2mil Week 1, 4-7mil LTD

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libellule said:
SF4 and GTA4 DLC say "hi !"

but I agree, the game should do fine ;)

A multiplat fighting game and 360-exclusive DLC will affect the sales of a PS3-exclusive FPS how?

And please, nobody mention Halo Wars. It is on a different console, in a different genre, and just happens to be releasing in the same month.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Barozi said:
First week ~1 million
LTD ~3.5 million

PS3 games tend to have very good legs, so I think if it manages to sell 1 million first week, it will have sold 5 million by the end of the gen.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Barozi said:
First week ~1 million
LTD ~3.5 million

PS3 games tend to have very good legs, so I think if it manages to sell 1 million first week, it will have sold 5 million by the end of the gen.

Yeah well my prediction is based on MGS4's numbers (But of course without the Japanese sales)


But I might add: I made my prediction without the involvement of possible bundles !!!

It all dpends on how much will Sony invest in publicity in the coming months.

If it were to be released world wide tomorow, i'd say 700k 1st week with 2,5 - 3 mil lifetime.
With an agreesive marketing it could do 1+ mil first week and 3+ mil lifetime, and when i say agressive i mean comercials in cinemas as well as in high rating TV shows, not 11 a.m airing that nobody sees anyway.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

Dallinor said:
400k WW week 1.

2 million LTD.

