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Forums - Sony Discussion - I think ps3 has the best exclusive games this year.

leo-j said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:
If we were going by metacritic, the wii would be dead last ZEN

Yes. I realize that. I don't change my opinions to fit my arguments, sir. I've made it very clear that reviews themselves are simply opinions, and mean very little, even in this thread.

That said, the Wii is last when it comes to overall quality software, imo.

not just software, but let me not get off topic

Well, at least it's first in something. Not all the consoles can say that. :P However, I agree, lets keep this discussion about the PS3 and its library.

Back on topic, the PS3 could arguably have the best library this year, but it's based on underground BG&E type games. However, for the games I and those like me want to play, there is Gears 2, MGSIV, VC, ToV, NG2, L4D, GTAIV, DMCIV, CoD:WaW, Brawl, and Fallout 3. Real, solid, core games.

Technically, yeah, the PS3 has the most AAAe this year I think, but look at a game like LBP. Fun game. Not something that would necessarily interest me if I didn't own a PS3. On the contrary, a game like Gears of War interests even non-gamers. LBP is the underground title that people should buy in theory to propogate the industry, but it's just a little too exotic. A little too questionable. Folks don't buy games to "support" them.

The PS3 has some great games. However, as a 360 fan, I wouldn't trade being a 360 owner for them, did I not own a PS3. It seems ludcrious that anyone would even consider that trade. That's what you have to ask yourself, no matter how good the bonus games are on your console, ask yourself, "Would I trade Gears 2 for LBP?" "Would I trade have L4D or Resistance 2?" "Would I trade Fable 2 for Valkyria Chronicles?" The answer(and it might be just me) is "hellz no!", and this is coming from someone who has played all of those games I've mentioned.

If the PS3 "wins" this year, it's on the strength of MGS4 as a standout exclusive title. Now, the 360 has quite a lot of games released this year, that were considered flops, like Ninja Gaiden 2, and Lost Odyssey.

I loved MGS4, but if I had to choose the 2008 gaming experience on my Xbox(Braid, Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo, Lost Odyssey, IU, TLR, Too Human, GTAIV DLC, custom soundtracks, NXE, achievements, and XBL) or MGS4, then I'd have to let MGS4 slide.

The PS3 had a pretty good year. LBP and MGS4 made it, definitely. However, I don't feel the winner is "clear" in software alone, and I'm fairly sure in overall experience, the Xbox 360 probably has a commanding lead this year, and overall. This becomes even more abundantly clear when you consider that said Xbox 360 experience is about half the price.

I know this is a PS3 hype thread, with the purpose of reassuring PS3 owners, and I agree, the PS3 has shaped up into a good console. However, if you consistantly overhype everything on or about the console, then when the real greatness rolls in, you won't have anything to celebrate.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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This reminds of the GT invisible walls round.

Geoff: I think we can all agree the PS3 had the best exclusive Software line up.

Grumby:  Oh I disagree with that.

Geoff: Why? The Xbox 360 only had two big exclusives this year. GEOW2 and Fable2 and the last one was not that great.

Grumby: Your (GT) Fable 2 review is biased and I disagree with it Fable 2 is great.

Geoff: What are you talking about if you go to Metacritic you see my review is in line with the avarage review of it.

Grumby: Yeah but I disagree with all those reviews and what did the PS3 had for Exclusives?

Geoff: Well they had MGS4 and;..

Grumby:  MGS4 Hahah;..Come on,  MGS4 is just a hyped game that didn't deserved the high scores it only got them because it was the first good game on PS3.

Geoff: That is not true it is a great game what the hell are you talking about?

Grumby: what other games PS3 had?

Geoff: Well Resistance 2 and.

Grumby: Resistance 2 HAHAHAHA come on GEOW 2 is so much better.

Geoff: Well I can agree with that it is better but R2 is still a great game...

Grumby: Nah, and it don't sell so good aswell.

Geoff: What have sales to do about a game being great or not and anyway what about Little Big Planet that is also a great game.

 Grumby: Yeah ok it is great but GEOW2 is better.

Geoff:  What GEOW 2 is better are ya serious?

Grumby: Yes it is better and even sell more..

Geoff: Stop with talking about those sales, with your logic the Wii has the best games....

Grumby: The Wii is not a console....

Geoff: Haha now you don't want to talk about sales anymore huh?

I loved that discussion (it was much longer btw).  But I have to agree with Geoff.  The PS3 has the best exclusive software line up this year especially metacritic wise, ok you maybe don't like those games still it is true that Sony launched a hell lot more exclusive good-Great games this year than Microsoft.

If you want to hear more about the discussion go to Gametrailers, click on invisible walls, click on the newest episode and the discussion will star around 20.36.

konnichiwa said:

I loved that discussion (it was much longer btw).  But I have to agree with Geoff.  The PS3 has the best exclusive software line up this year especially metacritic wise, ok you maybe don't like those games still it is true that Sony launched a hell lot more exclusive good-Great games this year than Microsoft.

That depends on your definition of "a hell of a lot." Does "a hell of a lot" equal "1" to you? Also, Sony didn't "launch" more games. MGS4 is a 3rd party title.

This also isn't a comparison of libraries this year, but instead the buzz word: "exclusives.(as is Sony fans are all gonna run out and buy high end PC games)" For instance, L4D is not an exclusive, but it isn't on the PS3, and it is part of the 360's library.

Also, it depends on your definition of a "good game."

When you joked that Fable 2 "is not that great" because it got an 89 on metacritic, but then touted Resistance 2 when it's at an 87, is hipocritical. First, define "that great." Second, if it's not great, and it's good, and to you <90% is only "good" then didn't the 360 win in "good" games, contrary to your statements, with titles like NG2, LO, ToV, Banjo?

Also, you left out Braid.

My figures indicate that the PS3 had about one more great retail game released on the PS3 this year, and probably less "good" games.

The undeniable truth, however, is this. Anyone with all of the facts cannot say that either console had a "much better library" or that Sony "launched a hell of alot more exclusives" when the truth is, whoever the winner was, it wasn't the winner by much.

You can't just pick the top 3 games on each console and compare them. Also, you can't claim that LBP is "obviously better" than Gears of War 2, AND you can't pretend that you yourself has any more or less bias than I do.

It's rediculious. Trying to act like an opinion is "obviously" wrong, just because you want to reassure yourself about how great your console is, and because you believe your opinion is "obviously" right. The PS3 didn't "obviously" win anything. It's unquantifiable, and indeed even if it was, the act of measuring by metacritic is ignorant, and using what you assume are generalized assumptions to marginalize others opinions, is wrong.

My opinion is just as valid as yours, and it could be and probably is more generally accepted than yours. People get these ideas in their heads that everyone agrees with them, when in reality, only the clique or group who have communitcation with them, might agree, and even then not completely.

Again, I wouldn't trade Gears of War 2 for LBP. I'd have a tough time believing that most people would trade Gears 2 for LBP. If they did, then I believe sales would have been at least a little bit better, wouldn't they? So, general opinion in that regaurd would probably be on my side.

Fact: Your opinion isn't "true," nor is it "obvious," in this instance. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a fanboy, and their arguments aren't rediculious.

That's what I think of your argument.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:

I loved that discussion (it was much longer btw).  But I have to agree with Geoff.  The PS3 has the best exclusive software line up this year especially metacritic wise, ok you maybe don't like those games still it is true that Sony launched a hell lot more exclusive good-Great games this year than Microsoft.

That depends on your definition of "a hell of a lot." Does "a hell of a lot" equal "1" to you? Also, Sony didn't "launch" more games. MGS4 is a 3rd party title.

This also isn't a comparison of libraries this year, but instead the buzz word: "exclusives.(as is Sony fans are all gonna run out and buy high end PC games)" For instance, L4D is not an exclusive, but it isn't on the PS3, and it is part of the 360's library.

Also, it depends on your definition of a "good game."

When you joked that Fable 2 "is not that great" because it got an 89 on metacritic, but then touted Resistance 2 when it's at an 87, is hipocritical. First, define "that great." Second, if it's not great, and it's good, and to you <90% is only "good" then didn't the 360 win in "good" games, contrary to your statements, with titles like NG2, LO, ToV, Banjo?

Also, you left out Braid.

My figures indicate that the PS3 had about one more great retail game released on the PS3 this year, and probably less "good" games.

The undeniable truth, however, is this. Anyone with all of the facts cannot say that either console had a "much better library" or that Sony "launched a hell of alot more exclusives" when the truth is, whoever the winner was, it wasn't the winner by much.

You can't just pick the top 3 games on each console and compare them. Also, you can't claim that LBP is "obviously better" than Gears of War 2, AND you can't pretend that you yourself has any more or less bias than I do.

It's rediculious. Trying to act like an opinion is "obviously" wrong, just because you want to reassure yourself about how great your console is, and because you believe your opinion is "obviously" right. The PS3 didn't "obviously" win anything. It's unquantifiable, and indeed even if it was, the act of measuring by metacritic is ignorant, and using what you assume are generalized assumptions to marginalize others opinions, is wrong.

My opinion is just as valid as yours, and it could be and probably is more generally accepted than yours. People get these ideas in their heads that everyone agrees with them, when in reality, only the clique or group who have communitcation with them, might agree, and even then not completely.

Again, I wouldn't trade Gears of War 2 for LBP. I'd have a tough time believing that most people would trade Gears 2 for LBP. If they did, then I believe sales would have been at least a little bit better, wouldn't they? So, general opinion in that regaurd would probably be on my side.

Fact: Your opinion isn't "true," nor is it "obvious," in this instance. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a fanboy, and their arguments aren't rediculious.

That's what I think of your argument.

I just wanted to do a DJmeister and say only 'Wut'?  I don't want to put much time in a discussion with you considering you are so stubborn it can easily take 5 pages anyway.

You are right MGS4 is not made by Sony but I am pretty sure you understood though what I wanted to say.

My definition of a hell of a lot would be a lot of games but it is more than one though for sure a few.

And when I said I agree with Geoff I mean that I agree with his view of who had the best exclusive software line up this year so it doesn't mean I agree with him that Fable 2 is good and R2 is great.

Bro, I just put up a discussion that happened in a episode of invisible Walls that I enjoyed and reminded me of this thread so I really don't get that you have to say 'You left out Braid' and whole the rant that comes after those words. Anyway the GT staff didn't mentioned a lot of games in their discussion like Geometry Wars, Valkyria Chronicles, Castle Crahsers, Siren, GT proloque, Tales of Vesperia, Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty, Motorstorm pacific Rift.

And oh yeah the GT staff doesn't count L4D as an exclusive because they have the luxury to have a few PS3's, Wii's,X360's and High end PC's if they can play a game on more than one platform they doesn't count the game as an exclusive I would count it as an exclusive though.


konnichiwa said:

I just wanted to do a DJmeister and say only 'Wut'?  I don't want to put much time in a discussion with you considering you are so stubborn it can easily take 5 pages anyway.

You are right MGS4 is not made by Sony but I am pretty sure you understood though what I wanted to say.

My definition of a hell of a lot would be a lot of games but it is more than one though for sure a few.

And when I said I agree with Geoff I mean that I agree with his view of who had the best exclusive software line up this year so it doesn't mean I agree with him that Fable 2 is good and R2 is great.

Bro, I just put up a discussion that happened in a episode of invisible Walls that I enjoyed and reminded me of this thread so I really don't get that you have to say 'You left out Braid' and whole the rant that comes after those words. Anyway the GT staff didn't mentioned a lot of games in their discussion like Geometry Wars, Valkyria Chronicles, Castle Crahsers, Siren, GT proloque, Tales of Vesperia, Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty, Motorstorm pacific Rift.

And oh yeah the GT staff doesn't count L4D as an exclusive because they have the luxury to have a few PS3's, Wii's,X360's and High end PC's if they can play a game on more than one platform they doesn't count the game as an exclusive I would count it as an exclusive though.



Was that discussion you posted a real transcript, or was it a parody of the conversation, made by you, that in effect made this "Grumby" person sound like a fanboy.

Because, if that is a real conversation, then it's one of the most ignorant...anythings I've ever had the displeasure of seeing quoted. Unless it was supposed to be a parody of a fanboy debate or something comedic.

If, however, it was a parody created by you, it seemed to me that you made the argument that I was trying to present, seem as if it was ignorant.

It certainly was presented ignorantly in that mock-up conversation you quoted.

If you want to see how a person could present that arguement well, you could read my earlier posts in this thread.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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@Zen it is not a parody;  You can check it if you want yourself:  Starts at 20.36 (NPD SALES REPORT).

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Christhor said:

As long as I get my inFamous, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 in 2009, it will be even better!


inFamous, Uncharted 2, and GoW3 and GT5 and the next R&C and Trico and Killzone 2will be better to you than R2, LBP, VC, and MGS4?

Yes, they will. The PS3 had nothing until June in 2008, and then we got three amazing games in two weeks. But KZ2 kicks off the lineup straight away in February. A month later, inFamous comes out, Uncharted 2 should follow that, then God of War III, with Trico and finally GT5 closing the year. Nice and spaced out.

Also, metacritic is utterly useless. Too many fanboy reviewers bring it down. According to metacritic, Braid is better than Shadow of the Colossus.



(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

@kinnichiwa^^^nintendo fans will not be happy with the grumpy guy,,,,he said:" Wii is not a gaming console but rather an expensive toy".hell is upon him.




Of course PS3 has the best games.
And we all know games sell consoles.

There's a reason why PS3 is the best selling console this gen, you know.


Please, don't kill me :)