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konnichiwa said:

I loved that discussion (it was much longer btw).  But I have to agree with Geoff.  The PS3 has the best exclusive software line up this year especially metacritic wise, ok you maybe don't like those games still it is true that Sony launched a hell lot more exclusive good-Great games this year than Microsoft.

That depends on your definition of "a hell of a lot." Does "a hell of a lot" equal "1" to you? Also, Sony didn't "launch" more games. MGS4 is a 3rd party title.

This also isn't a comparison of libraries this year, but instead the buzz word: "exclusives.(as is Sony fans are all gonna run out and buy high end PC games)" For instance, L4D is not an exclusive, but it isn't on the PS3, and it is part of the 360's library.

Also, it depends on your definition of a "good game."

When you joked that Fable 2 "is not that great" because it got an 89 on metacritic, but then touted Resistance 2 when it's at an 87, is hipocritical. First, define "that great." Second, if it's not great, and it's good, and to you <90% is only "good" then didn't the 360 win in "good" games, contrary to your statements, with titles like NG2, LO, ToV, Banjo?

Also, you left out Braid.

My figures indicate that the PS3 had about one more great retail game released on the PS3 this year, and probably less "good" games.

The undeniable truth, however, is this. Anyone with all of the facts cannot say that either console had a "much better library" or that Sony "launched a hell of alot more exclusives" when the truth is, whoever the winner was, it wasn't the winner by much.

You can't just pick the top 3 games on each console and compare them. Also, you can't claim that LBP is "obviously better" than Gears of War 2, AND you can't pretend that you yourself has any more or less bias than I do.

It's rediculious. Trying to act like an opinion is "obviously" wrong, just because you want to reassure yourself about how great your console is, and because you believe your opinion is "obviously" right. The PS3 didn't "obviously" win anything. It's unquantifiable, and indeed even if it was, the act of measuring by metacritic is ignorant, and using what you assume are generalized assumptions to marginalize others opinions, is wrong.

My opinion is just as valid as yours, and it could be and probably is more generally accepted than yours. People get these ideas in their heads that everyone agrees with them, when in reality, only the clique or group who have communitcation with them, might agree, and even then not completely.

Again, I wouldn't trade Gears of War 2 for LBP. I'd have a tough time believing that most people would trade Gears 2 for LBP. If they did, then I believe sales would have been at least a little bit better, wouldn't they? So, general opinion in that regaurd would probably be on my side.

Fact: Your opinion isn't "true," nor is it "obvious," in this instance. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a fanboy, and their arguments aren't rediculious.

That's what I think of your argument.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.