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leo-j said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:
If we were going by metacritic, the wii would be dead last ZEN

Yes. I realize that. I don't change my opinions to fit my arguments, sir. I've made it very clear that reviews themselves are simply opinions, and mean very little, even in this thread.

That said, the Wii is last when it comes to overall quality software, imo.

not just software, but let me not get off topic

Well, at least it's first in something. Not all the consoles can say that. :P However, I agree, lets keep this discussion about the PS3 and its library.

Back on topic, the PS3 could arguably have the best library this year, but it's based on underground BG&E type games. However, for the games I and those like me want to play, there is Gears 2, MGSIV, VC, ToV, NG2, L4D, GTAIV, DMCIV, CoD:WaW, Brawl, and Fallout 3. Real, solid, core games.

Technically, yeah, the PS3 has the most AAAe this year I think, but look at a game like LBP. Fun game. Not something that would necessarily interest me if I didn't own a PS3. On the contrary, a game like Gears of War interests even non-gamers. LBP is the underground title that people should buy in theory to propogate the industry, but it's just a little too exotic. A little too questionable. Folks don't buy games to "support" them.

The PS3 has some great games. However, as a 360 fan, I wouldn't trade being a 360 owner for them, did I not own a PS3. It seems ludcrious that anyone would even consider that trade. That's what you have to ask yourself, no matter how good the bonus games are on your console, ask yourself, "Would I trade Gears 2 for LBP?" "Would I trade have L4D or Resistance 2?" "Would I trade Fable 2 for Valkyria Chronicles?" The answer(and it might be just me) is "hellz no!", and this is coming from someone who has played all of those games I've mentioned.

If the PS3 "wins" this year, it's on the strength of MGS4 as a standout exclusive title. Now, the 360 has quite a lot of games released this year, that were considered flops, like Ninja Gaiden 2, and Lost Odyssey.

I loved MGS4, but if I had to choose the 2008 gaming experience on my Xbox(Braid, Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo, Lost Odyssey, IU, TLR, Too Human, GTAIV DLC, custom soundtracks, NXE, achievements, and XBL) or MGS4, then I'd have to let MGS4 slide.

The PS3 had a pretty good year. LBP and MGS4 made it, definitely. However, I don't feel the winner is "clear" in software alone, and I'm fairly sure in overall experience, the Xbox 360 probably has a commanding lead this year, and overall. This becomes even more abundantly clear when you consider that said Xbox 360 experience is about half the price.

I know this is a PS3 hype thread, with the purpose of reassuring PS3 owners, and I agree, the PS3 has shaped up into a good console. However, if you consistantly overhype everything on or about the console, then when the real greatness rolls in, you won't have anything to celebrate.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.