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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

When compared to what it should be compared to then yes it did. I really hate when people compare games to Gears and others like it...

Former something....

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The only reason its so low is because it was released the same day as election night and therefore no one cared about it. That night really hindered its sales it could have easily been 600k opening week if it was released this week. 

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

SlipperyMooseCakes said:
*Waits for DJM to twist it to make it look positive*

I joke.

Anyway it isn't a flop, that's for sure. I thought the game would sell 500k in NA though. It had a couple days start on Gears and didn't get half the sales of it in NA which I was expecting it would.

Can you stop fucking bringing my name up plz?



If the first one sold 1.27 million lifetime in 2 years, reaching 300k in one week seems pretty good.

DMeisterJ said:
SlipperyMooseCakes said:
*Waits for DJM to twist it to make it look positive*

I joke.

Anyway it isn't a flop, that's for sure. I thought the game would sell 500k in NA though. It had a couple days start on Gears and didn't get half the sales of it in NA which I was expecting it would.

Can you stop fucking bringing my name up plz?



If the first one sold 1.27 million lifetime in 2 years, reaching 300k in one week seems pretty good.

Are you more mad because

  1. He brought up your name?
  2. He mispelled your name?
  3. He was right in his prediction of what you would do?


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


If the game sells 150k+ next week in NA, then I will consider it good saleswise.

If not, then I will be very dissapointed, its an amazing game.


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Goddbless said:
DMeisterJ said:
SlipperyMooseCakes said:
*Waits for DJM to twist it to make it look positive*

I joke.

Anyway it isn't a flop, that's for sure. I thought the game would sell 500k in NA though. It had a couple days start on Gears and didn't get half the sales of it in NA which I was expecting it would.

Can you stop fucking bringing my name up plz?



If the first one sold 1.27 million lifetime in 2 years, reaching 300k in one week seems pretty good.

Are you more mad because

  1. He brought up your name?
  2. He mispelled your name?
  3. He was right in his prediction of what you would do?

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Wot?

darthdevidem01 said:

please STOP with the bundled crap

Resistance was HARDLY bundled

Motorstorm was BUNDLED but sold 2.5 MILLION EASILY without bundles....unless you are telling me Motorstorm has MORE THAN 1 Million bundles...

While it's true that Resistance was barely bundled at all (only in one or two countries for a brief time in Europe), Motorstorm was actually bundled VERY extensively and I'd bet that over a million of the sales for it were for the bundle. For a good time, the only way to get a PS3 in the US was through the 80gb Motorstorm bundle, until the 40gb launched.


I think it's pretty decent, with people playing LBp and Fallout and other stuff. It's not bad considering the install base. On 360's install base and the same attach ratio, that would be about 700k, which no one would think is that bad. Need to take install base into account.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

I was expecting north of 400k just because of how successful the original was.