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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

jesus kung fu magic said:

The only reason its so low is because it was released the same day as election night and therefore no one cared about it. That night really hindered its sales it could have easily been 600k opening week if it was released this week. 

I highly doubt the election had any effect on the sales numbers.  The 300k is not just for one day, it is the amount they sold up to the 8th.

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darthdevidem01 said:

please STOP with the bundled crap

Resistance was HARDLY bundled

Motorstorm was BUNDLED but sold 2.5 MILLION EASILY without bundles....unless you are telling me Motorstorm has MORE THAN 1 Million bundles...

actually it is around a million or so.  The motorstorm bundle was the only system for a while after the 60 gig was discontinued so people didn't even have an option for a while. 


currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

actually to be exact it would be around 1.1-1.3 million bundled motorstorms. Motorstorm was on target to sell around 500-600k in NA but the bundles boosted it a massive amount..

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

It's a good start but I would have expected better. I thought this was going to go as the premier shooter for the playstation brand. But it's hard to argue with 300k opener so it's a good start. If it's over a million by the end of the year in America then it's definitely doing well.

I think it's fantastic.

300k in NA alone is good for just about any game.

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Bad, mainly because Sony needs a big hit to help drive holiday sales and R2 and LBP are barely treading water in the US.

Otherwise it's a perfectly respectable first week, expecting AAA title to shoot the moon is unrealistic.

I think that is a fail. Resistance 2 was pitted directly against Gears of War 2. I think sony didn't advertise Resistance enough and focussed too much on LBP. It would have been okay had LBP not being delayed a week and screwing up their release schedule.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Both LBP and R2 sold 2/3 of what I expected. I was probably on the optimistic side, but still.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

I think it's pretty spot on. 304k is pretty good. Compared to gears it's shunned for obvious reasons



Bad, I expected more.