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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

Resistance 2 has under performed in NA. 600k was expected in NA region for first week's sales of this game.

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numonex said:
Resistance 2 has under performed in NA. 600k was expected in NA region for first week's sales of this game.

Was that what Insomniac or Sony was excepting or was that what you were expecting?


Squilliam said:
darthdevidem01 said:

please STOP with the bundled crap

Resistance was HARDLY bundled

Motorstorm was BUNDLED but sold 2.5 MILLION EASILY without bundles....unless you are telling me Motorstorm has MORE THAN 1 Million bundles...

A game which "sells" 2.5 Million does a lot better than Motorstorm 2 in the first week.


Well squilliam.....I was a die hard motorstorm 1 fan

the Motorstorm 2 DEMO turned me off n told me this games gonna be crap.....I thik thats the main reason for its downfall....Motorstorm 2 just isn't a great game like the first one!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

please STOP with the bundled crap

Resistance was HARDLY bundled

Motorstorm was BUNDLED but sold 2.5 MILLION EASILY without bundles....unless you are telling me Motorstorm has MORE THAN 1 Million bundles...

Resistance sold 240k its first week, most were not bundled, I'll agree with that. But Resistance 2 not being bundled at all beat that, so I consider it's launch very succesfull.

Motorstorm sold 260K its first week, most of these WERE bundled, and if you'll look it recieved over +1 million sales at the European launch of the PS3, again Motorstorm being the bundled game.

I'm not trying to down play any of the games, I'm simply saying people who expected the two to sell a million in the first week need to consider Motorstorm owes much of its success to being bundled, and Resistance owes much of its success to being the only decent FPS on the market at the time (and being bundled). M2 and R2 have much, much, MUCH more competition.




DO NOT expect MGS4 level week 1 sales for any PS3 games till GT 5/FF13/GTA5/COD6 come out


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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definitely underperformed. i can't say bad cuz its not like a huge franchise and ps3 has a small userbase in america. but still, this is supposed to be a huge franchise in the making (its the ps3's answer to gears/halo) and was supposed to be the 2nd or 3rd biggest exclusive game for ps3 all year! plus its fps which should cater to americans and it hit right as the holiday season is about to start up and it only got 300k. i expected about double that. ps3's two big games of the holidays (lbp and r2) both underperformed at least based on hype that has been building all year for the blockbuster release of both these games and then they did really good numbers but nothing resembling a blockbuster.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

Slightly underperformed.

People need to stop looking at 360 sales when they predict first week PS3 sales.  Look at other PS3 games to base your sales on.

Resistance 2 should end up with a top 5 PS3 launch, after Others launch week.

Riachu said:
numonex said:
Resistance 2 has under performed in NA. 600k was expected in NA region for first week's sales of this game.

Was that what Insomniac or Sony was excepting or was that what you were expecting?


I was expecting Resistance 2 to sell around 600 000 units in first week in NA. PS3 has sold 6million in NA. 10% of 6 million = 600 000 units for Resistance 2. NA  are shooter game crazy fans over there and they buy those shooter games by the truckload in the USA.


numonex said:
Riachu said:
numonex said:
Resistance 2 has under performed in NA. 600k was expected in NA region for first week's sales of this game.

Was that what Insomniac or Sony was excepting or was that what you were expecting?


I was expecting Resistance 2 to sell around 600 000 units in first week in NA. PS3 has sold 6million in NA. 10% of 6 million = 600 000 units for Resistance 2. NA are shooter game crazy fans over there and they buy those shooter games by the truckload in the USA.


The sales of R2 are actually impressive if you consider that the game was released very close to GeoW2


numonex said:
Riachu said:
numonex said:
Resistance 2 has under performed in NA. 600k was expected in NA region for first week's sales of this game.

Was that what Insomniac or Sony was excepting or was that what you were expecting?


I was expecting Resistance 2 to sell around 600 000 units in first week in NA. PS3 has sold 6million in NA. 10% of 6 million = 600 000 units for Resistance 2. NA 360 owners are shooter game crazy fans over there and they buy those shooter games by the truckload in the USA.



There.  That is better.