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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

Its decent

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Iori Yagami said:
I think it's fantastic.

300k in NA alone is good for just about any game.


True, in the sense that they're making money so it has to be doing well.  However, this is the game that was supposed to go up against gears of war 2.  This was supposed to beat it (according to sony fanboys anyway), and in that respect it failed miserably.  The fact is, not that many people buy ps3 games.  The 360 has outsold the ps3 by quite a large margine.  When you take into account the number of people that use it primarily as a blu-ray player the margine grows even wider.  If gears was released on the ps3 and R2 on the 360 R2 probably would have sold better.  Of course, due to the difference in quality the numbers would probably be quite a bit different.  I'm sure gears still would have sold better than R2 on ps3.

Maybe i'm wrong, but i'm pretty confident i'm right on this.  Wonder how it did in the UK... hmm, time to hit the ol' google button.

Cidien, it doesn't matter how well R2 does compared to Gears of War 2.

You don't judge a games success based on how it does compared to a first-party game on another system. Gears of War 2 is completely irrelevant.

Any game that sells at least 200k in NA the first week did good.

^^Nonetheless, its pretty interesting how an expanded install base boosted Gears 2 way more than R2. I mean the first week sales is more than doubled.

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

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Resistance 2 is a nice game.
really sad to see the sale performer badly!!

It's a good start, even if I expected a little more from resistance 2. But don't forget that we had far cry 2 a few weeks ago and that we're gonna get COD5 in a few days... I think it could have made the 500k easily if it was released in late september, early october. But well, it will have a very nice full week (probably 600-700k+ thanks to my fellow europeans). So it's definitly good, and it will receive a nice boost with christmas. I also think that a PS3+M2+R2 bundle might come out around january.

It will probably have nice legs too, even if call of duty 5 will steal a lot of sales (and time).

Sales do not equal quality. Resistance 2> Gears 2.

IGN COD5 review: 9.2

@jason: I know this COD won't be as good as modern warfare, but it doesn't matter, sales will be huge. Maybe COD6 will suffer from COD5 quality.