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Forums - Sony Discussion - Mirrors egde demo is up on UK store. ( impressions).

I downloaded it first thing when I got home last night - have been excited about the game ever since I saw the first trailer.

I have to say I came away nothing but impressed and even more excited. Not only did they manage to create an incredible looking game, they made it easy to be a badass - the controls are simple, and yet pulling off complex and fast movements comes naturally.

This isn't to say the game is easy, though - jumps require good timing, and you need to start seeing things you can jump on/around to get to your goal faster or without attracting as much attention. They've managed to create something that's simple yet very deep.

One thing that also really surprised me was that I didn't once feel like shooting - and I love killing things! The game just makes you want to keep moving, no matter what's in your way. Disarm a guy and keep on running.

I think this is an incredible leap forward for FPS games - DICE seems to be showing that more can be done with the perspective than just being a floating head with a gun. And EA publishing this?! Madness! Seems like the publisher has really turned a new page in allowing creative projects to flourish - Army of Two, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge.. I wonder what else they have on the horizon. In any case, I welcome it.

Can't wait for the game to come out.

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Teqonix said:

I downloaded it first thing when I got home last night - have been excited about the game ever since I saw the first trailer.

I have to say I came away nothing but impressed and even more excited. Not only did they manage to create an incredible looking game, they made it easy to be a badass - the controls are simple, and yet pulling off complex and fast movements comes naturally.

This isn't to say the game is easy, though - jumps require good timing, and you need to start seeing things you can jump on/around to get to your goal faster or without attracting as much attention. They've managed to create something that's simple yet very deep.

One thing that also really surprised me was that I didn't once feel like shooting - and I love killing things! The game just makes you want to keep moving, no matter what's in your way. Disarm a guy and keep on running.

I think this is an incredible leap forward for FPS games - DICE seems to be showing that more can be done with the perspective than just being a floating head with a gun. And EA publishing this?! Madness! Seems like the publisher has really turned a new page in allowing creative projects to flourish - Army of Two, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge.. I wonder what else they have on the horizon. In any case, I welcome it.

Can't wait for the game to come out.

Please don't include Army of Two on your list. It reminds us of how much EA can, and has, failed with a very good idea.

*Hopes Mirror's Edge is the next Dead Space and NOT the next Army of Two*

What about Bad Company? EA has a tendency to develop/publish just-short-of-excellent games.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

darthdevidem01 said:
Just run run run!!

Its a MUST BUY now......Motorstorm PAcific Rift has been demoted!


 Ohh come on not Motorstorm.


From the other ME thread:

I was very dissapointed with the demo.

Firstly, the graphics are nowhere near the level I was expecting. The trailers released a few months back made the game look beautiful; a real visual marvel. Sadly, in-game it doesn't look nearly as polished.

I also noticed some serious screen tearing in some sections (wow alliteration) and as Greenmedic mentioned the textures could also use some work.

On to gameplay: The controls I found were slightly arkward. You mostly use the back buttons (L2, L1, R2 etc.) for movements like jumps and slides. This feels a little unusal given the game has a very platform feel to it, were you would traditionally use the Triangle, X or square to move/jump about. I found myself pressing the wrong buttons a few times and making simple mistakes that sent me hurtling hundreds of feet to my death. Once you get by the initial clunky controls however, it would seem as though you can rapidly progress through most of the demo by only pressing two buttons. You run at something red, press L1 and watch as the character takes control. I hope the majority of the game isn't as straight forward and simple.

The tutorial at the beginning of the demo is an absolute chore. I had hopes that there might be some sort of exploration element to the game, given that you're a free runner moving across the rooftops of a huge city. However, stray too far from the path and the game automatically says 'Failed' and returns you to your original spot. It completley ruins the fun factor. Fortunately, this set back is removed once you progress beyond the tutorial section but it doesn't stop the game -from what I've seen so far in the demo- from being a very linear experience.

I also dislike the fact that there is a complete lack of any body phyiscs in the game. It takes away from the immersion in my opinion. You don't have to add blood to a game, but when you shoot a guy's body on the ground I expect his body to twitch, not remain glued to the surface he fell on. A minor gripe perhaps, but I love little touches and I feel realistic body physics is now a standard element for this generation of games.

After completing the demo, I would only pick this game up once it reached a bargain price. I truly had high hopes for it, but with so many other good titles launching this holiday season I'll be giving this one a miss.


Disagree Dallinor. I really like the controls for but it did take me a while to get used to it.

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Kantor said:
Teqonix said:

I downloaded it first thing when I got home last night - have been excited about the game ever since I saw the first trailer.

I have to say I came away nothing but impressed and even more excited. Not only did they manage to create an incredible looking game, they made it easy to be a badass - the controls are simple, and yet pulling off complex and fast movements comes naturally.

This isn't to say the game is easy, though - jumps require good timing, and you need to start seeing things you can jump on/around to get to your goal faster or without attracting as much attention. They've managed to create something that's simple yet very deep.

One thing that also really surprised me was that I didn't once feel like shooting - and I love killing things! The game just makes you want to keep moving, no matter what's in your way. Disarm a guy and keep on running.

I think this is an incredible leap forward for FPS games - DICE seems to be showing that more can be done with the perspective than just being a floating head with a gun. And EA publishing this?! Madness! Seems like the publisher has really turned a new page in allowing creative projects to flourish - Army of Two, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge.. I wonder what else they have on the horizon. In any case, I welcome it.

Can't wait for the game to come out.

Please don't include Army of Two on your list. It reminds us of how much EA can, and has, failed with a very good idea.

*Hopes Mirror's Edge is the next Dead Space and NOT the next Army of Two*

What about Bad Company? EA has a tendency to develop/publish just-short-of-excellent games.

I think you're seeing just past my point - while Army of Two wasn't a very good game, it was a departure from the traditional EA 'let's put out a sequel!!111' method of making money - it was stepping into uncharted territory with a new idea for a game. Something that I never really expected EA to do. Granted, Army of Two didn't turn out so well - but look at the games that are turning out well and are showcasing creative ideas in the process! It's wonderful to see EA taking these risks, even if they don't turn into wonderful games.

Finally got to play the demo and I really liked it a lot. I think the controls work pretty good and even if the demo stage is short, it's really fun to do it over and over again just to see how fast you can get through it. I think this game has made it to my must buy list!

Signature goes here!

I can't get up to the vent in the do you go from that red ledge to the red vent...I assume its a quick jump, turn jump..but I can't make it happen...


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

GodofWine said:
I can't get up to the vent in the do you go from that red ledge to the red vent...I assume its a quick jump, turn jump..but I can't make it happen...

Turn the camera to look at the vent, you'll see her placing her hand towards it then just press L1 to jump. I also thought you had to do the L1 R1 L1 jump you learned in training but turns out it was much simpler.


Signature goes here!

I've downloaded both PS3 and Xbox360 demos, they look identical !

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