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Teqonix said:

I downloaded it first thing when I got home last night - have been excited about the game ever since I saw the first trailer.

I have to say I came away nothing but impressed and even more excited. Not only did they manage to create an incredible looking game, they made it easy to be a badass - the controls are simple, and yet pulling off complex and fast movements comes naturally.

This isn't to say the game is easy, though - jumps require good timing, and you need to start seeing things you can jump on/around to get to your goal faster or without attracting as much attention. They've managed to create something that's simple yet very deep.

One thing that also really surprised me was that I didn't once feel like shooting - and I love killing things! The game just makes you want to keep moving, no matter what's in your way. Disarm a guy and keep on running.

I think this is an incredible leap forward for FPS games - DICE seems to be showing that more can be done with the perspective than just being a floating head with a gun. And EA publishing this?! Madness! Seems like the publisher has really turned a new page in allowing creative projects to flourish - Army of Two, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge.. I wonder what else they have on the horizon. In any case, I welcome it.

Can't wait for the game to come out.

Please don't include Army of Two on your list. It reminds us of how much EA can, and has, failed with a very good idea.

*Hopes Mirror's Edge is the next Dead Space and NOT the next Army of Two*

What about Bad Company? EA has a tendency to develop/publish just-short-of-excellent games.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective