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From the other ME thread:

I was very dissapointed with the demo.

Firstly, the graphics are nowhere near the level I was expecting. The trailers released a few months back made the game look beautiful; a real visual marvel. Sadly, in-game it doesn't look nearly as polished.

I also noticed some serious screen tearing in some sections (wow alliteration) and as Greenmedic mentioned the textures could also use some work.

On to gameplay: The controls I found were slightly arkward. You mostly use the back buttons (L2, L1, R2 etc.) for movements like jumps and slides. This feels a little unusal given the game has a very platform feel to it, were you would traditionally use the Triangle, X or square to move/jump about. I found myself pressing the wrong buttons a few times and making simple mistakes that sent me hurtling hundreds of feet to my death. Once you get by the initial clunky controls however, it would seem as though you can rapidly progress through most of the demo by only pressing two buttons. You run at something red, press L1 and watch as the character takes control. I hope the majority of the game isn't as straight forward and simple.

The tutorial at the beginning of the demo is an absolute chore. I had hopes that there might be some sort of exploration element to the game, given that you're a free runner moving across the rooftops of a huge city. However, stray too far from the path and the game automatically says 'Failed' and returns you to your original spot. It completley ruins the fun factor. Fortunately, this set back is removed once you progress beyond the tutorial section but it doesn't stop the game -from what I've seen so far in the demo- from being a very linear experience.

I also dislike the fact that there is a complete lack of any body phyiscs in the game. It takes away from the immersion in my opinion. You don't have to add blood to a game, but when you shoot a guy's body on the ground I expect his body to twitch, not remain glued to the surface he fell on. A minor gripe perhaps, but I love little touches and I feel realistic body physics is now a standard element for this generation of games.

After completing the demo, I would only pick this game up once it reached a bargain price. I truly had high hopes for it, but with so many other good titles launching this holiday season I'll be giving this one a miss.