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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Analyst’s Predicts a Massive Q4 for 360, Possibly Cracking 10 million Units


I will never be able to make enought crow meal for everybody, shit !

Time to Work !

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Laughable. Ship 10m consoles this quarter?

I agree that Microsoft will have it's best quarter ever this Christmas but.......10m? Really? It's going to move more consoles this Q than any other year total?

That IS some good crack he's smoking.

8m would be the absolute highest I can see it going, but 6-7m is a more likely (and very good) watermark for the console.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Come on guys! Give him a break. This guy might really be onto something here...

If we include Q4 2009 and Q4 of the financial year as well.



He's on that good shit.

5.5 million in Q4 is probably where it will settle. 6 million max.

9 mln in Japan, sure. more like 1.20 by the end of its lifespan.

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It galls me to think that these guys are getting paid good money for analysis that fanboys won't even make. Where do I put in my resume. I can do better than this.

My eyebrows will be doing a 'Spock' impersonation if 360 gets even close to those numbers. At the current rate of economic decline I expect by December people will be giving each other coal for Christmas!

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

About 360 reaching 10 million, i guess only time will tell.


theprof00 said:
Q4 2007 was much less than 4 fold. If anything, that trend will increase, dropping in multiplying to 2 instead of 4.


Q3 2007 had Halo 3.  Considering they had a bigger Q3 this year than last, I'd say the demand is there to have a better Q4 as well.  The demand isn't as big as 10m, but it's not as small as 4.4 either.

9000 in Japan... wow... that number alone blows this prediction away...

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