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Forums - Sales Discussion - Quickest game to 10 million?

GTA Sandreas probably sold 10 million the fastest and I dont think it has ever been bundled!

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Gran Turismo 5.

Gran Turismo 4 didn't even sell 10 million,what makes you guy's think that GT5 will sell 10 million,let alone be the fastest to do it?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I reckon Street Fighter 4 may stand a chance. There are a lot of beat em up fans waiting across all platforms for it.

Buzz and Singstar are way for more fun then Wii music or cooking. However, eyetoy games were as boring the Wii fit etc games. Novelty on these things wears off on hardcore gamers quick.

First of all, it's GTA:San Andreas..... and it will remain that game for a good while, no single platform game will be faster to 10 million this gen unless the next main grand theft auto releases at the end of the PS3s life exclusively on PS3, and also PS3 is relatively successful compared to what it looks like it is going to do.

This generation if you count multiplatform games then GTA4 is the fastest.... if you don't then Mario Kart Wii will become the fastest and no GT5 will not be faster to 10 million considering it is unlikely to sell much more than 10 million in total anyway.


@fei-hung... wtf! Street fighter won't get near 10 million sales ever, never mind being the fastest to the mark... the most popular franchise considered to be a fighter at the moment is Smash Bros. and that isn't going to be anywhere near the fastest game o 10 million.
I was going to add that those saying GT5 must be smoking something odd, but at least GT5 has a chance to get to 10 million, unlike Street fighter.

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Hey, I made a thread about this. Well, almost. It's about best seller for first 12 months. MKWii is going to grab it.

For 10M though, it stands no candle against Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Nothing does. It made it in 9 weeks.

For this generation, MKWii is going to grab it easily.

GT is going to have to beat GT3 in overall sales to outdo Mario Kart Wii.

Looking at GT4's numbers, I'm going to say GT3 needed at least 12 months to do 10M, probably more.

There's no way GT5 is going to outdo that.

Of course, if you count multiplats, MKWii is not going to win.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

brute said:
Gran Turismo 4 didn't even sell 10 million,what makes you guy's think that GT5 will sell 10 million,let alone be the fastest to do it?


There are two words that can desribe it. Hope and Denial 

brute said:
Gran Turismo 4 didn't even sell 10 million,what makes you guy's think that GT5 will sell 10 million,let alone be the fastest to do it?

9.50 is near.

Also, Gran Turismo 3 is almost 15mln. Some of it sold purely on the factor of "Wow! more realistic graphics on a more powerful console!"

I'm pretty darn sure GT5 will do 10 mln.


I reckon the quickest game to sell 10million will be released 3/4 the way through the consoles life cycle. Only then will the user base be big enough to grant that many sales. At the moment the user base is still small compared to when was released on the ps2 with a user base of over 100million (i think it was anyway).

GTA:San Andreas