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Forums - Sony Discussion - Am I the only PS3 owner NOT excited about LBP?

"If you're not excited about LBP, you're a fake gamer."

Dumbest statement on any forum this year, and I've seen a lot of dumb statements

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I might buy it used or something down the road, like a month after release.

I'm not really excited. I do not want to see it delayed or pushed back by any means. It needs to come out in 5 days

The reason i don't want it is the same reason i don't like mario. Its a platformer.

You run to the right, avoid enemies, and jump over holes. Nothing to it. Why should I be excited.

And i'm a PS3 fanboy being honest so this is by no means trolling.

coolestguyever said:
The reason i don't want it is the same reason i don't like mario. Its a platformer.

You run to the right, avoid enemies, and jump over holes. Nothing to it. Why should I be excited.

And i'm a PS3 fanboy being honest so this is by no means trolling.


I have friend who is just like you but for somereason he is going ape shit over LBP. I honestly don't understand how this fanboyism things work.

Also I am not interested in this game. I'm not the creative type and I don't want to go look for good levels.


DMeisterJ said:
I'm extremely excited for this game.

You are alone in this bbsin. Metacritic agrees with me too.

If you're not excited about LBP, you're a fake gamer.


Ok, I've given enough time....

...what's happened to you were once so beautiful. You questioned us:

Am I a Sony fanboy?

Am I biased?

You asked those questions because you truely wanted to better yourself.

Then, the FFXIII megaton hit, and since then, you've grown bitter towards the 360 and its fanboys, even though you yourself own a 360, and know how good the games on the console are....

It has all culminated here, my friend. Your post is an embarassment. I see you have been banned for posting some anti-360 rhetoric(I'd bet, haven't looked). You might never see this, but I need to say it, for me, so here we go:

1. Metacritic means absolutely nothing. Metacritic can't "agree" with you. Especially about which game "true gamer" must love to be classified as such....

2. Also, there is no true gamer. My mom plays Spider Solitare more than any of us game, everyday at work. Is she a true gamer, and are we posers? Who makes that definition, certainly not you, besides the fact that you aren't qualified, you are also biased.

3. Thus, there is also no "fake gamer" and if there is, it is certainly you or I, who seem more interested in the gaming industry, than games themselves. You rant and rave about the PS3 but don't even own one. Same for me and the Wii. Are we fake gamers?

4. LBP is a game aimed at casual and core gamers. Must not, by your definition, real and fake gamers both love or loathe it?

Not everyone likes LBP. Get over it, and stop posting like a talking point troll. Your stock is falling. I could've never seen you getting banned before the XIII debacle. You've never been me. You have to stand for the light, because if you don't...then what do I stand for?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Zucas said:
Jo21 said:
Zucas said:
makingmusic476 said:
ameratsu said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Also, when cuddly cute creatures are on Nintendo consoles, they're for kids, but when they're on the PS3, they're for everybody...or didn't you get the memo?


Well I can't speak for everybody but for me as long as the game is fun with a resonable amount of quality and polish it's a good game in my book. I like a balance between artsy/cartoony games and realistic/gritty ones though. A nice variety is always a good thing.

I've got to say though, if nintendo had this game as an exclusive, the fanboy defense/attack positions would be reversed. The praise offered by some ps3 fans would become criticism, the criticism offered by some wii fans would become praise. It's interesting how that works.


Exactly what I was thinking. It's amazing the number of Nintendo fan(boy)s that aren't interested in this game, when it should be right up their alley.

How does this fit the Wii gamers stereotype. Last I checked Wii gamers like the easy to pick up and play games. Unfortunately LBP is a level creator which needs a lot of tedious dedication to create a level and design things to be what your vision is. That's kinda the opposite of the Wii gamer stereotype now ain't it.

And of course you can play other people's levels but it's either play amatuer created levels or developer created level. It's an easy call for me if I'm spending $60 haha.

But as I said maybe that's just me but I'll still try it because the little rice sacks are just so cute haha.



you are wrong, brawl had a level editor.


I'm sorry I don't mean to offend you but excuse me why I laugh out of control at this stateme. *10 mins later*

Alright so  ought of all that and all which I said... which is inherently correct by the way aside from where I start talking about me... the only thing you could think of was to say Brawl is a game that sold well and it had a level creator.  Actuallly I give you too much credit because how I jsut said it explains a lot better of what you were trying to get at. 

So first obviously I'm supposed to understand that because a piece of Brawl was a level editor while most of the game was an easy to get into fighter obviously leads to the assumption that a full fledged game being a level creator would also corrolate.  You have got to be fucking kidding me. 

And then secondly your obviously trying to tell me that the Brawl level editor and LittleBigPlanet are on the same levels when it comes to those level creations.  Right I think I've said enough.  I'll just let you figure out what's wrong with all of this.

Sorry, this post made me laugh.



Never liked platformers and not interested in the game, but think it's a great idea and that people's creativity will keep it around for a long time.

i am reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy excited!

Not exactly my game type either. But it looks so charming and innovative that I might get it. (The Killzone sackboys got me. Amazing!).

you are the only on I believe

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