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DMeisterJ said:
I'm extremely excited for this game.

You are alone in this bbsin. Metacritic agrees with me too.

If you're not excited about LBP, you're a fake gamer.


Ok, I've given enough time....

...what's happened to you were once so beautiful. You questioned us:

Am I a Sony fanboy?

Am I biased?

You asked those questions because you truely wanted to better yourself.

Then, the FFXIII megaton hit, and since then, you've grown bitter towards the 360 and its fanboys, even though you yourself own a 360, and know how good the games on the console are....

It has all culminated here, my friend. Your post is an embarassment. I see you have been banned for posting some anti-360 rhetoric(I'd bet, haven't looked). You might never see this, but I need to say it, for me, so here we go:

1. Metacritic means absolutely nothing. Metacritic can't "agree" with you. Especially about which game "true gamer" must love to be classified as such....

2. Also, there is no true gamer. My mom plays Spider Solitare more than any of us game, everyday at work. Is she a true gamer, and are we posers? Who makes that definition, certainly not you, besides the fact that you aren't qualified, you are also biased.

3. Thus, there is also no "fake gamer" and if there is, it is certainly you or I, who seem more interested in the gaming industry, than games themselves. You rant and rave about the PS3 but don't even own one. Same for me and the Wii. Are we fake gamers?

4. LBP is a game aimed at casual and core gamers. Must not, by your definition, real and fake gamers both love or loathe it?

Not everyone likes LBP. Get over it, and stop posting like a talking point troll. Your stock is falling. I could've never seen you getting banned before the XIII debacle. You've never been me. You have to stand for the light, because if you don't...then what do I stand for?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.