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Forums - PC Discussion - Warhammer Online Sells .5 Million first week

I really don't care if WAR never comes close to WoW sales, that's not why I play it, I play it for the RvR and PvP wich the hole game is all about, in WoW RvR and PvP is nothing more then an addon and endless grinding in some damn instances for hours on end.


BTW half the guild I played with in WoW are now playing WAR. and that's alot of people.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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Colour me unsurprised for a number of reasons.

1: Its warhammer, which is a widely popular table top game thats much older then warcraft. Whilst both warcraft and warhammer definitely have huge crossovers in audiences (hell warcrafts lore takes a lot of inspiration from warhammer) war is getting gamers from a demographics of people that don't neccesarily play computer games (though as I said many do).

2: Dawn of war has been hugely successful in spreading the warhammer name with the general gaming populous. Just like wow drew from its RTS userbase so will war (which is quite ironic).

3: Mythic were the creators of dark age of camelot, the only game that could challenge Everquest in its heyday. If anyone could create an mmo to rival blizzards its them.

4: Disillusionment with wow. A small segment of wow gamers have been looking for something new. Just like conan before it, war has the potential to attract these people. The question is, can they keep them there?

5: Last but no least its a good game. So far its got a gamerankings score of 88%, which is very good for a new mmo.

I'm not surprised at wars success.

BTW I read spore has shipped over 1 million to retail as of a few days ago. It looks like pc gaming is well and truly healthy at retail atm.

I really hope that Square does another MMO.

They still have a faithfull 500k people that still play.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Wow... thats a lot... I was expecting this game to bomb :O

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Age of Conan sold a lot to but its about keeping those 500000 players and not letting them go back to WOW when the expansion pack hits

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I have played WoW for almost 2 years now, and like many, invested a considerable amount of time. Warhammer intrigued me, so I picked it up, and have played it for a few weeks. It's a good game, but not on the same level as WoW.

Naum stated that half of his/her particular guild left to play Warhammer. The same thing happened to my guild. The main difference was after a week, they all came back saying "Warhammer has some nice touches, but isnt nearly as smooth or polished as WoW, to buggy, and laggy, and the PvP does not make up for the lack of story". They are all back for WOTLK.

My opinion was the same. I am on a PvP server and still get plenty of PvP bang for the buck. In Warhammers defense, it has plenty of time to improve, and is a good game. But WoW has been at this for years and doesnt look to be slowing down, anytime soon.

vlad321 said:
Another WoW killer comes and goes, same old same old.

It's not a WoW killer nor does it even try to be.

WoW has really good PvE.

WAR has really good PvP.

They're going for 2 totally different audiences.  So far it's an insanely polished and well thought out PvP game. There's not even a competition between the two games.  I have a strong feeling this game will grow precisely because it's not trying to be WoW. I really wish other MMOs would take similar cues and try doing something different instead of imitate WoW. The cool about the time when EQ was the giant gorilla in MMOs was that there were so many totally different types coming out. Most flopped, yeah, but they were at least interesting experiments.

TheTruthHurts! said:
I have played WoW for almost 2 years now, and like many, invested a considerable amount of time. Warhammer intrigued me, so I picked it up, and have played it for a few weeks. It's a good game, but not on the same level as WoW.

Naum stated that half of his/her particular guild left to play Warhammer. The same thing happened to my guild. The main difference was after a week, they all came back saying "Warhammer has some nice touches, but isnt nearly as smooth or polished as WoW, to buggy, and laggy, and the PvP does not make up for the lack of story". They are all back for WOTLK.

My opinion was the same. I am on a PvP server and still get plenty of PvP bang for the buck. In Warhammers defense, it has plenty of time to improve, and is a good game. But WoW has been at this for years and doesnt look to be slowing down, anytime soon.

I was in the WAR beta, and my sentinments were the same...I thought they had some nice touches, like the public quest, but the game was too unpolished, to compete with WoW.  I've been in WoW for going on 3 years, and I'm covince that the only thing to stop WoW will be WoW...period.  As we saw with TBC content, Blizzard can re-invent the game, and I think WOTLK will bring alot people back...DKs are going to be OP and fun as can be!


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

When WoW launched it wasn't as polished as WAR day 1. Anyone remember Illidan crashes and queues and the horrible lag the first 4 months of the game? Keep in mind WoW had a lot of time to get all that extra spit shine. There's been 1 crash and queues are almost unheard of because they're just cloning popular servers so people can log into the new server with their old character.

MMOs grow over time, they don't come out of the box polished with endless content. It already has more PvP content at Tier 1 than WoW has in the whole game.

As far as no story ...there's an entire Tome of Knowledge with an insane amount of reading if you're up for it. I'd say as a PvPer there's too much story, but it's Warhammer, with 25 years of heavily written source material.

Most people don't seem to understand that the people going to WAR are going there for PvP. That's the attraction. I don't want to grind mobs or quest, I want to take keeps and RvR when I log on. Leveling doesn't feel like a grind and I'm in no hurry to level up so I can "finally start playing."

The promise of grinding 10 more levels in PvE and new PvE raids with maybe 2 zones of world PvP that'll be completely ignored and a new battleground isn't going to sway the audience Blizzard has pretty much completely ignored from day 1.

How does that compare, from a PvPer's perspective, to a game where you can level and gear up 100% doing nothing but PvP? This is the game PvPers have been asking for. Not lame assist trains for arena loot, but lines crashing together fighting over keeps and capital cities, tanks actually having a real purpose, and no one forced to spec 1 way because they designed all class' 3 specs to be useful and needed in PvP. Mythic does PvP and does it better than anyone in the business. The PvE types will stick to WoW and PvP types will stick to WAR. The ones who want the best of both will probably double subscribe.

cAPSLOCK said:
When WoW launched it wasn't as polished as WAR day 1. Anyone remember Illidan crashes and queues and the horrible lag the first 4 months of the game? Keep in mind WoW had a lot of time to get all that extra spit shine. There's been 1 crash and queues are almost unheard of because they're just cloning popular servers so people can log into the new server with their old character.

MMOs grow over time, they don't come out of the box polished with endless content. It already has more PvP content at Tier 1 than WoW has in the whole game.

As far as no story ...there's an entire Tome of Knowledge with an insane amount of reading if you're up for it. I'd say as a PvPer there's too much story, but it's Warhammer, with 25 years of heavily written source material.

Most people don't seem to understand that the people going to WAR are going there for PvP. That's the attraction. I don't want to grind mobs or quest, I want to take keeps and RvR when I log on. Leveling doesn't feel like a grind and I'm in no hurry to level up so I can "finally start playing."

The promise of grinding 10 more levels in PvE and new PvE raids with maybe 2 zones of world PvP that'll be completely ignored and a new battleground isn't going to sway the audience Blizzard has pretty much completely ignored from day 1.

How does that compare, from a PvPer's perspective, to a game where you can level and gear up 100% doing nothing but PvP? This is the game PvPers have been asking for. Not lame assist trains for arena loot, but lines crashing together fighting over keeps and capital cities, tanks actually having a real purpose, and no one forced to spec 1 way because they designed all class' 3 specs to be useful and needed in PvP. Mythic does PvP and does it better than anyone in the business. The PvE types will stick to WoW and PvP types will stick to WAR. The ones who want the best of both will probably double subscribe.


I think you are assuming too much there. I doubt many of the people that want PvP will switch from WoW to War unless they REALLY hated the WoW PvP. And how is the WoW PvP ignored? Maybe you missed the recent tournaments Blizzard has been hosting?

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