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I have played WoW for almost 2 years now, and like many, invested a considerable amount of time. Warhammer intrigued me, so I picked it up, and have played it for a few weeks. It's a good game, but not on the same level as WoW.

Naum stated that half of his/her particular guild left to play Warhammer. The same thing happened to my guild. The main difference was after a week, they all came back saying "Warhammer has some nice touches, but isnt nearly as smooth or polished as WoW, to buggy, and laggy, and the PvP does not make up for the lack of story". They are all back for WOTLK.

My opinion was the same. I am on a PvP server and still get plenty of PvP bang for the buck. In Warhammers defense, it has plenty of time to improve, and is a good game. But WoW has been at this for years and doesnt look to be slowing down, anytime soon.