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cAPSLOCK said:
When WoW launched it wasn't as polished as WAR day 1. Anyone remember Illidan crashes and queues and the horrible lag the first 4 months of the game? Keep in mind WoW had a lot of time to get all that extra spit shine. There's been 1 crash and queues are almost unheard of because they're just cloning popular servers so people can log into the new server with their old character.

MMOs grow over time, they don't come out of the box polished with endless content. It already has more PvP content at Tier 1 than WoW has in the whole game.

As far as no story ...there's an entire Tome of Knowledge with an insane amount of reading if you're up for it. I'd say as a PvPer there's too much story, but it's Warhammer, with 25 years of heavily written source material.

Most people don't seem to understand that the people going to WAR are going there for PvP. That's the attraction. I don't want to grind mobs or quest, I want to take keeps and RvR when I log on. Leveling doesn't feel like a grind and I'm in no hurry to level up so I can "finally start playing."

The promise of grinding 10 more levels in PvE and new PvE raids with maybe 2 zones of world PvP that'll be completely ignored and a new battleground isn't going to sway the audience Blizzard has pretty much completely ignored from day 1.

How does that compare, from a PvPer's perspective, to a game where you can level and gear up 100% doing nothing but PvP? This is the game PvPers have been asking for. Not lame assist trains for arena loot, but lines crashing together fighting over keeps and capital cities, tanks actually having a real purpose, and no one forced to spec 1 way because they designed all class' 3 specs to be useful and needed in PvP. Mythic does PvP and does it better than anyone in the business. The PvE types will stick to WoW and PvP types will stick to WAR. The ones who want the best of both will probably double subscribe.


I think you are assuming too much there. I doubt many of the people that want PvP will switch from WoW to War unless they REALLY hated the WoW PvP. And how is the WoW PvP ignored? Maybe you missed the recent tournaments Blizzard has been hosting?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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