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Colour me unsurprised for a number of reasons.

1: Its warhammer, which is a widely popular table top game thats much older then warcraft. Whilst both warcraft and warhammer definitely have huge crossovers in audiences (hell warcrafts lore takes a lot of inspiration from warhammer) war is getting gamers from a demographics of people that don't neccesarily play computer games (though as I said many do).

2: Dawn of war has been hugely successful in spreading the warhammer name with the general gaming populous. Just like wow drew from its RTS userbase so will war (which is quite ironic).

3: Mythic were the creators of dark age of camelot, the only game that could challenge Everquest in its heyday. If anyone could create an mmo to rival blizzards its them.

4: Disillusionment with wow. A small segment of wow gamers have been looking for something new. Just like conan before it, war has the potential to attract these people. The question is, can they keep them there?

5: Last but no least its a good game. So far its got a gamerankings score of 88%, which is very good for a new mmo.

I'm not surprised at wars success.

BTW I read spore has shipped over 1 million to retail as of a few days ago. It looks like pc gaming is well and truly healthy at retail atm.