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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Greatest Zelda game ever...

Valkyria00 said:
Ocarina........sue me.=P


 How DARE you think the highest-rated game of all time is the best in its' series?!?!?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

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"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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This brings me some serious Deja Vu.

looks like I'm about to get shivved xD

Definatly the Original. I got it Christmas of '87 and it was the first game I owned as well as the first game I beat (before my 5th Birthday!). To me the sense of exploration has been unmatched by any of the following in the series.

The newer games are much to constrictive. I can't stand these new games where you can't advance until this that and the other are completed.
Wind Waker seemed to me to be the epitome of "this item is only desined for this type of progression" rather than in the original where you could find real secrets and "secrets to everybody" /LOL with the torch and bombs. You could bomb bosses and other chars and find a variety of ways to do things. I HATE it in these new "EPIC" Mario/Zelda/Metroid (as well asz other 3rd party franchises) where its all a very mandated/scripted style play. In My Opinion Nintendo has yeat to touch their '80s playstyle and it looks like they never will.


2. Link to the Past

3. Zelda II : Adventures of Link (I admired the fact they tried something new)

HM. Twilight Princess (a let less chore driven than previous installments, but why did they change the music for KaKaRiKo Village /cry)

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

For me, it's easily A Link to the Past.

Ocarina of Time all the way.

"What have i done.? Is it too late to save me from this place? From the depths of the grave? We all are those .. who thought we were brave."

I enjoyed Legend Of Zelda:Twilight Princess the most.

It didn't have the best side quests from the LoZ series,but it had the best dungeons,boss battles and it was the longest from all Legend Of Zeldas.
Plus the Wii-Mote made it even funner,i just loved shooting arrows,it was my first time playing a game with motion controls(yes i played it before Wii Sports).

Now in the next Legend of Zelda i hope Nintendo makes it a bit harder.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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sorry to not be surprising.. ocarina of time was my favourite.. followed closely by majoras mask, followed closely by wind waker

A Link to the Past.

majoras mask was a better zelda than ocarina, eventhough ocarina was a much more important game


oot i think~

Twilight Princess. Fuck nostalgia.