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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony sets 150m sales target for PS3,PS2 passes 140 million units !

Dolla Dolla said:
This is a f*cking joke, right?

And I can't believe there are that many blind people who say, "It could happen!"

Yeah, if you want Sony to go out of business, it could happen. They could cut the price of the PS3 to 299 right now, and they might sell 150 million.

I'll just pretend this is a huge joke, so I don't lose respect for a lot of people who defend this rubbish.


They could cut price to 349 before Christmas, by then components should be quite cheaper (next bulk price cuts shold be in Autumn).

Following Moore's law, they should be able to cut price to 299 without damage during Spring 2009, but I guess they'll do it later to start earning on HW instead of simply breaking even (or coming close to it). If with 10 years life they mean since WW launch was completed, PS3 end of life should be during Spring 2017, that's 8 years since Spring 2009, so to achieve their goal they should sell on average 15-16mln consoles a year. Possible? Likely? Unlikely? Impossible?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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There is no way in hell the PS3 will even break 100 million.

It won't last 10 years.

Only market leaders last 10 years: NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, Wii.

If a miracle happens and the PS3 sells 100 million, Wii sells 300 million.

If PS3 sells 150 million, Wii sells 450 million.

@The Ghost of RubangB

PS1 and PS2 shouldn't be classed with those consoles....

DMeisterJ said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
DMeisterJ said:
Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Somehow the Wii had to get brought in here.


It's entirely possible that with ten years it could do 150 million. They'd have to keep pace with at least 15 million for the next few years, with a couple approaching twenty.

Not entirely unlikely, seeing as that Sony does believe in the whole 10 year lifespan thing (look @ the PS2). A lower price point would do wonders.

Nintendo also said the GC would live 10 years. Look what happened.

Personally I think Sony REALLY needs to shut up about the 10 year thing. The PS3 isn't going to last that long, sorry. The PS2 is barely selling now and it's on its 9th year. Do they really think the PS3 will have a shot then when the Wii is goign to be the #1 console and the 360 is eating up PS3 exclusives anyway?

Arrogancy isn't going to get them anywhere.

The PS1 sold for ten years.

The PS2 is in it's eight year, and still doing extremely well, (almost beat the 360 Ww this week), and the PS3 will do the same. I don't see how that's hard to believe.

Notice something different about PS1 & PS2 to the PS3? Like, sales? demographic? exclusives?

Exactly. Difference.

Who's to say what's on the horizion in a few years?

The thing is that no one can predict the future. Price drops, maybe Sony will get agressive with the Third-Party exclusives, maybe MS will bow out of the console race, who knows?! It's so far off into the future. All we can do is go on track record, which is that Sony supports it's consoles for ten years, and they will likely do the same for this. Even if they only do release multi-plat games on it, it will be around for the full ten years, and at a lower price point, it's entirely possible.

So your using the "You could be hit by a bus tommorrow!" defense.

Eh... anything "can" happen.  But there are things that are mathmatically unlikely.

Alby_da_Wolf said:

They could cut price to 349 before Christmas, by then components should be quite cheaper (next bulk price cuts shold be in Autumn).

Following Moore's law, they should be able to cut price to 299 without damage during Spring 2009, but I guess they'll do it later to start earning on HW instead of simply breaking even (or coming close to it). If with 10 years life they mean since WW launch was completed, PS3 end of life should be during Spring 2017, that's 8 years since Spring 2009, so to achieve their goal they should sell on average 15-16mln consoles a year. Possible? Likely? Unlikely? Impossible?

They've already pretty much announced their end of year plans. They are phasing out the 40GB PS3's and are replacing it with 80GB PS3's in September. The price will remain $399 until at least next year sometime. So, we may see 40GB PS3's for $349 when the 80GB launches. Sony may continue to just offer more "value" rather than cutting prices. This appears to be the approach for both Microsoft and Sony. Fire sale on old models, replace with newer "better" models.

Assuming Sony can reach 20 million by January of 09, they will be averaging less than 10 million a year. They have to do something VERY drastic to reach 15-16 million a year average. And if they are shooting for profitability, price cuts won't be the answer.

Around the Network

thier isnt a chance in hell, that the ps3 will break 100 million. why simple if u want rpg's u dont choose the system, point 2 if u want the best fps u dont buy a ps3, if u want the best online service u dont buy a ps3, if a system where u get a headset/ethernet cable included in your system u again dont buy a ps3. the ps3 will i think sell around 75 million systems and be in the #2 spot if they can somehow fix the above problems i stated.





Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


I will do a Pachter prediction:

PS3 will outsell the PS2 by the end of its lifetime if it manages to sell more than the PS2.


Currently Playing:

PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!

Dolla Dolla said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

They could cut price to 349 before Christmas, by then components should be quite cheaper (next bulk price cuts shold be in Autumn).

Following Moore's law, they should be able to cut price to 299 without damage during Spring 2009, but I guess they'll do it later to start earning on HW instead of simply breaking even (or coming close to it). If with 10 years life they mean since WW launch was completed, PS3 end of life should be during Spring 2017, that's 8 years since Spring 2009, so to achieve their goal they should sell on average 15-16mln consoles a year. Possible? Likely? Unlikely? Impossible?

They've already pretty much announced their end of year plans. They are phasing out the 40GB PS3's and are replacing it with 80GB PS3's in September. The price will remain $399 until at least next year sometime. So, we may see 40GB PS3's for $349 when the 80GB launches. Sony may continue to just offer more "value" rather than cutting prices. This appears to be the approach for both Microsoft and Sony. Fire sale on old models, replace with newer "better" models.

Assuming Sony can reach 20 million by January of 09, they will be averaging less than 10 million a year. They have to do something VERY drastic to reach 15-16 million a year average. And if they are shooting for profitability, price cuts won't be the answer.

I agree, but I wanted to point out that while I think too that an immediate price cut to 299 would make them bleed money, postponing it for 9-10 months would be affordable for their finances and would let PS3 a long period to enjoy the effects of being below an important psychological price threshold. Postponing it for 18 months wouldn't steal too much from this grace period, but would make in exchange PS3 profitable before. So perhaps Sony is already evaluating between dropping price sooner, sell more units and have more power, but earn less, and doing it later, selling less unit, but earning more money and a little less power in gaming market.


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

The big question will be, how well will the PS3 sell at $200 - if there is a 360 at $150, a Wii at $99 - or a Wii II/HD at $250?

Its a great "theory" - the GC *could* have sold 150m, if Nintendo kept supporting it and dropping the price down to "free" (which is effectively what a $199US PS3 is - at this stage anyway).

The only reason new hardware is brought in, is if potential sales/profit on the new hardware would be significantly higher than on the old hardware. If the same applies to the PS3/PS4, Sony would be insane to keep it running.

Time will tell...

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