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DMeisterJ said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
DMeisterJ said:
Soriku said:
DMeisterJ said:
Somehow the Wii had to get brought in here.


It's entirely possible that with ten years it could do 150 million. They'd have to keep pace with at least 15 million for the next few years, with a couple approaching twenty.

Not entirely unlikely, seeing as that Sony does believe in the whole 10 year lifespan thing (look @ the PS2). A lower price point would do wonders.

Nintendo also said the GC would live 10 years. Look what happened.

Personally I think Sony REALLY needs to shut up about the 10 year thing. The PS3 isn't going to last that long, sorry. The PS2 is barely selling now and it's on its 9th year. Do they really think the PS3 will have a shot then when the Wii is goign to be the #1 console and the 360 is eating up PS3 exclusives anyway?

Arrogancy isn't going to get them anywhere.

The PS1 sold for ten years.

The PS2 is in it's eight year, and still doing extremely well, (almost beat the 360 Ww this week), and the PS3 will do the same. I don't see how that's hard to believe.

Notice something different about PS1 & PS2 to the PS3? Like, sales? demographic? exclusives?

Exactly. Difference.

Who's to say what's on the horizion in a few years?

The thing is that no one can predict the future. Price drops, maybe Sony will get agressive with the Third-Party exclusives, maybe MS will bow out of the console race, who knows?! It's so far off into the future. All we can do is go on track record, which is that Sony supports it's consoles for ten years, and they will likely do the same for this. Even if they only do release multi-plat games on it, it will be around for the full ten years, and at a lower price point, it's entirely possible.

So your using the "You could be hit by a bus tommorrow!" defense.

Eh... anything "can" happen.  But there are things that are mathmatically unlikely.