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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do so many gamers dislike Halo?

an article went up at msxbox on why do gamers dislike halo.

for you guys that dont like halo,why?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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I just dont find myself ethralled by it, its not a bad game but in my eyes its overrated.

^hmm i can go with that,but alot of people hate it for some reason

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

It's overyhped and generic, with a good soundtrack :P

^also its story is good(atleast i like it)

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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I've only played the first one. Wasn't as fun as goldeneye or perfect dark.

arsenal009 said:
I've only played the first one. Wasn't as fun as goldeneye or perfect dark.


 but did you dislike it?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

look it's a good game..I played it after all the it bored was just another shooter for me..

I liked CoD more

I don't hate it, i just hate how people bill it as an amazing game when it reality it's an above average FPS with a meh story. When Halo 1 came out it raised the bar for console FPS games, nothing on PS2/GC could match it - fresh gameplay, system link, awesome local & online MP. When Halo 3 was released it was not the definitive game that 1 was.

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Never played 1 or 2, so I'm not sure what I missed story-wise, but 3 just didn't grab me with its abrupt opening. I also generally don't like games where you do nothing else but shoot. Gears, for example, has a cover system lends a lot of tension to the game; Halo felt much more monotonous.