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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people call the 360, JRPG console this generation?

Dno said:
rocketpig said:
bobobologna said:
Profcrab said:
Dno said:
rocketpig said:
Jordahn said:
Isn't Folklore a Japanese action/rpg on the PS3???

Folklore is about as much RPG as Twilight Princess. It shouldn't even be in a JRPG conversation. It's an action adventure game.

Your wrong folklore was an awesome RPG u leveled up and so did your monsters... is pokemon a RPG? i think so

Yep, folklore gives you plenty of choices like an RPG. Sometimes you can go left and other times you can go right.

I give that post a 9.1.

Wait a minute, JRPGs are supposed to give me choices to make? All of mine must be broken.

Not in-game choices per se, but the ability to customize your character's skillset, choose classes, choose your party, etc.

Folklore, not so much. 

i will leave this point with saying not on of you have played it......

 Dude, I've played Folkore. REALLY fun game, but there's like very little customization at all. Good game nevertheless though.


I concede, but I do think people should stop saying he's trolling when he's just simply saying the 360 might not be the JRPG king this generation.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

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Dno said:
rocketpig said:
bobobologna said:
Profcrab said:
Dno said:
rocketpig said:
Jordahn said:
Isn't Folklore a Japanese action/rpg on the PS3???

Folklore is about as much RPG as Twilight Princess. It shouldn't even be in a JRPG conversation. It's an action adventure game.

Your wrong folklore was an awesome RPG u leveled up and so did your monsters... is pokemon a RPG? i think so

Yep, folklore gives you plenty of choices like an RPG. Sometimes you can go left and other times you can go right.

I give that post a 9.1.

Wait a minute, JRPGs are supposed to give me choices to make? All of mine must be broken.

Not in-game choices per se, but the ability to customize your character's skillset, choose classes, choose your party, etc.

Folklore, not so much. 

i will leave this point with saying not on of you have played it......

I beat the game.  If that is an RPG, then we need to eliminate all he existing genre names and have 2 classes of games, RPGs and Wii-Fit.

I give that post a 9.0. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Actually, in Wii Fit, you can unlock new skills by improving in the game and working on your BMI.

Try again.

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:
tombi123 said:
rocketpig said:
tombi123 said:

This thread has nothing to do with me or my tastes. I don't think I have stated anywhere in this thread that I am an RPG fan and certainly not in the OP.

Then why did you start this thread?

Oh, that's right, to tell people to not buy a system you don't like for games of a genre you never claimed to be a fan of.


Look at the title of this thread. Loads of people claim that the 360 will be the JRPG console this generation. I don't believe that statement is true at all. I think the Wii will be JRPG console this generation. Afterall, it sells by far the best in Japan.

All I wanted to know was why people keep saying that the 360 will be JRPG console this genration (as in not now, but the whole generation).

Yeah, that's all you wanted to know.

tombi123 said:
If, like most people you can only afford one console per generation, then getting a 360 for the JRPG's is very foolish.

As for the Wii, I haven't seen one person here say that the 360 will definitely finish out the generation as the JRPG king. Most think that the Wii will gain that crown later in the generation. Does the 360 have a chance? Sure, it has quite a headstart but that will probably be surpassed by the Wii sooner or later. As for the PS3, no chance. I don't see it happening until well after the 360 is retired by MS and by then, it won't matter. Many hardcore players will be transitioning to newer systems by then.

If you mean "hardcore JRPG players", that line is not entirely correct. I'm a hardcore JRPG fan, as hard as it gets, and my most anticipated JRPG right now is Persona 4 (  a PS2 game). Also, I picked up Xenogears not too long ago (a PS1 game).

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

rocketpig said:
bobobologna said:
Profcrab said:
Dno said:
rocketpig said:
Jordahn said:
Isn't Folklore a Japanese action/rpg on the PS3???

Folklore is about as much RPG as Twilight Princess. It shouldn't even be in a JRPG conversation. It's an action adventure game.

Your wrong folklore was an awesome RPG u leveled up and so did your monsters... is pokemon a RPG? i think so

Yep, folklore gives you plenty of choices like an RPG. Sometimes you can go left and other times you can go right.

I give that post a 9.1.

Wait a minute, JRPGs are supposed to give me choices to make? All of mine must be broken.

Not in-game choices per se, but the ability to customize your character's skillset, choose classes, choose your party, etc.

Folklore, not so much. 

Whoever claimed that folklore was a JRPG must not know what JRPGs are

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I've said this so many times and I'll reiterate. Did any of you even play 10% of the JRPGs available last 2 gens. Did you ever wonder that perhaps this is why they've not been forthcoming this time around i.e because those of us who truly love them are NICHE GAMERS (S-E fanatism excluded)

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

You can bet your ass that there will even more JRPGs coming... with this guy now in charge of growth and expansion. When is the last time an executive really talked so specifically about games/RPGs. I have an inkling that they are also going to really push multiplayer and co-op into JRPGs.

Shane Kim: Japan is a "longer-term effort"

Shane Kim, the newly-promoted corporate VP for Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment business, has told that he's hopeful the company will "turn our fortunes around" in Japan - over time.

Following hot on the heels of the launch of a number of Square Enix and Namco Bandai RPG titles for the region earlier this week, Kim explained that the company was happy to take a long-term view in order to achieve success in the Sony and Nintendo homeland.

"We've been very realistic about our near-to-mid term opportunities in Japan, specifically with respect to the current console generation," he said in an interview shortly before his promotion was announced. "Obviously it's a challenging market with well entrenched competitors.

"I'm excited to see developments such as the new RPGs from Japanese developers - I think that's a recognition in the developer-publisher community that the Xbox 360 is a great platform, and we've got a great installed base in the rest of the world.

"From a business perspective I think they all know that they need to take the platform seriously, and my hope is that through that process we'll start to see more Japanese content that will stimulate greater demand in Japan and start to turn our fortunes around.

"I think that's a longer-term effort, to be frank," he added.

Kim also hinted at a greater focus on the region moving forward, and that the company had some idea of where it can make progress.

"Microsoft has always taken a long-term view on our various competitive battles, and Japan is no different," he said. "But at the same time I'm excited because I think there are opportunities that we haven't really attacked in an aggressive way - and I think that's going to be part of our future as well.

"While we still need to fight in Japan and try to continue to improve our results there we also need to look at other opportunities for growing the business."

Shane Kim was previously the head of Microsoft Game Studios, but will now work on strategy and business development across the whole Interactive Entertainment business, reporting directly to Don Mattrick.

Phil Spencer, formerly head of MGS Europe was announced as his replacement.


tombi123 said:
So if I can only afford one console this entire generation, and I am a big JRPG fan, you would all recommend me the 360?...


The fault in your logic is the one year head start not mattering. True, that there is a chance the PS3 or the Wii will have more JRPG's 3 years into there life (I don't think the PS3 will), but that only matters if people magically stop making games for the 360.

The real metric that matters, is will there ever be a day where then number of JRPG's on the PS3 or Wii outnumber the JRPG's on the 360?

I think the Wii might. The PS3, no. 

If you can only afford one console and you are into jrpgs, get a DS and splurge the 100-300$ you save on games.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Tombi -

How is it a bad choice to buy a 360 now for JRPGs?

We've established the following things:

The 360 will lead in # of JRPGs until 2010 at the earliest
The Wii *might* lead, but there's absolutely no way of knowing, outside of it's console lead

So then the question begs to be asked: Why is the 360 such a bad choice for RPGs? By the time the Wii *could* lead for JRPGs, this current generation of games will be fading into the sunset. Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to think that being the dominant JRPG console has more to do with things than just the LTD of total JRPGs by the end of the generation. What if the Wii has ....3 more JRPGs in 2012 than the 360 does? Will that of been such a great thing, to wait 6 years for 3 extra RPGs?

Sounds stupid to me.

I bought a system based off of JRPG potential, and not JRPG fact. It was called a Nintendo 64. It sucked. Badly. Do you remember those rotten pieces of dung? They were supposed to get the games - afterall, it did well in Japan. Too bad it never saw more than a handful in it's lifetime.

So if the 360 leads in # of JRPGs for....5 years straight...And the Wii for 2....How is the Wii the best JRPG console again?

Doesn't make sense. Not everyone wants to wait 7 years to buy a back catalog of good games when you could get the best catalog for the past 3 years, and will have the best catalog for 2+ years.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.