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Tombi -

How is it a bad choice to buy a 360 now for JRPGs?

We've established the following things:

The 360 will lead in # of JRPGs until 2010 at the earliest
The Wii *might* lead, but there's absolutely no way of knowing, outside of it's console lead

So then the question begs to be asked: Why is the 360 such a bad choice for RPGs? By the time the Wii *could* lead for JRPGs, this current generation of games will be fading into the sunset. Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to think that being the dominant JRPG console has more to do with things than just the LTD of total JRPGs by the end of the generation. What if the Wii has ....3 more JRPGs in 2012 than the 360 does? Will that of been such a great thing, to wait 6 years for 3 extra RPGs?

Sounds stupid to me.

I bought a system based off of JRPG potential, and not JRPG fact. It was called a Nintendo 64. It sucked. Badly. Do you remember those rotten pieces of dung? They were supposed to get the games - afterall, it did well in Japan. Too bad it never saw more than a handful in it's lifetime.

So if the 360 leads in # of JRPGs for....5 years straight...And the Wii for 2....How is the Wii the best JRPG console again?

Doesn't make sense. Not everyone wants to wait 7 years to buy a back catalog of good games when you could get the best catalog for the past 3 years, and will have the best catalog for 2+ years.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.