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Dno said:
rocketpig said:
bobobologna said:
Profcrab said:
Dno said:
rocketpig said:
Jordahn said:
Isn't Folklore a Japanese action/rpg on the PS3???

Folklore is about as much RPG as Twilight Princess. It shouldn't even be in a JRPG conversation. It's an action adventure game.

Your wrong folklore was an awesome RPG u leveled up and so did your monsters... is pokemon a RPG? i think so

Yep, folklore gives you plenty of choices like an RPG. Sometimes you can go left and other times you can go right.

I give that post a 9.1.

Wait a minute, JRPGs are supposed to give me choices to make? All of mine must be broken.

Not in-game choices per se, but the ability to customize your character's skillset, choose classes, choose your party, etc.

Folklore, not so much. 

i will leave this point with saying not on of you have played it......

 Dude, I've played Folkore. REALLY fun game, but there's like very little customization at all. Good game nevertheless though.


I concede, but I do think people should stop saying he's trolling when he's just simply saying the 360 might not be the JRPG king this generation.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus