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Forums - General Discussion - Place Your Bets: Who Wins the Presidency - Obama or Mccain? (revive in Nov)

superchunk said:



Also, I predict McCain (unlike the libs on here )

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rudyrsr8 said:
- Only 28% of Americans aprove of George W. Bush right now.

Also the approval rating of congress stands at around 19%.

 Not too mention the Congress is controlled by the Democrats. Just saying.

since i am not american i don't care who wins but it would be interesting to see obama as president

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Nader anyone?


I believe Obama will defeat McCain. I believe Obama's victory margin in regards to the EC will be greater than what Source has stated. I predict the EC vote to be 292-246 in favor of Obama. I know Barr makes Georgia a possibility for Obama, but Georgia has been overwhelmingly Republican. Not even President Clinton could win Georgia, so I doubt Obama will. I also believe people are overestimating the effect Barr will have on the race. Historically, third party candidates only win a significant portion of the vote when they have a defining issue as a part of their party platform. Ross Perot had NAFTA, Wallace and the AIP had segregation, the Populists had "free silver" and so on. The only two who have bucked this trend are the Progressives in 1912, and John B. Anderson in 1980. I believe Obama wins Ohio and Pennsylvania. I know it is a little more nuanced than this, but McCain has been a staunch advocate of free trade and NAFTA. NAFTA (free trade) is anathema to the people of Ohio and Pennsylvania. They also have two popular Democratic governors who should help deliver their respective states.

I also predict the Democratic Caucus (49 Dems plus Lieberman and Sanders) will win a supermajority in the US Senate. The composition of the senate is, to me, the most intriguing part of the upcoming election. With Justices Ginsberg and Stevens expected to retire during the next president's term, having a supermajority to invoke cloture on any GOP filibustering could tilt the Supreme Court firmly to the progressive side.

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I think it will be 273-265 in favor of Obama. What he needs to do is capture all the states John Kerry won and win in Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado. It shouldn't be too hard for him to do that as he currently has a large lead in all of those states.. because Obama will not be able to win in the South (although he is only 2 points behind mccain in the latest North Carolina poll)


Snesboy said:
rudyrsr8 said:
- Only 28% of Americans aprove of George W. Bush right now.

Also the approval rating of congress stands at around 19%.

Not too mention the Congress is controlled by the Democrats. Just saying.

 In that same poll the people were also asked which party would they prefer to see in control of congress, 75% said the Democrats.  RubangB is correct, we're going to see a repeat of 2006.


Fillibuster-proof Congress and Obama FTW! 



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I can see us Americans screwing up again.

Id prefer hilary over both of them, but Im rooting for obama now.



I predict an Obama win..followed a few months later by an Obama assassination...I won't be surprised if this actually happens...his VP choice will be interesting...

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I really doubt that the Senate will get a super majority. The Republicans up to 2006 were really screwing the pooch, but lately they have really been on top of their game.

I really hope for just a small majority like it is now so we can see if Obama or McCain can handle reaching across the aisle like they both say they can (McCain already has proven he can, but I really doubt Obama can.)

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