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Forums - Sony Discussion - Thinking of joining the dark side.

It's inevitable that the majority of JRPG's will wind up on either the Wii or the PS3. A huge chunk of the JRPG consumer pie is Japan, and those two consoles are the ones that rule Japan. In the end, it's still about making money, and JRPG's bread is buttered one way. The PS3's Japan presence is still relatively small at 2+ million (a sell-through rate of almost 50% would still be needed to sell a million copies), so JRPG publishers, who know most of their money is going to come from Japan, will try to delay their releases until after the Japan userbase balloons from a Final Fantasy launch or something, but, once it happens, you can expect a deluge of Japanese game launches.

In my opinion, the Microsoft strategy in pursuing Japan is flawed. It's not happening. Microsoft should abandon Japan and spend the money it's wasting on attempting to woo Japan towards solidying its waning advantage in the U.S. and trying to figure out Europe. Instead of solidly winning one of the three territories this gen, I think Microsoft will end up losing in all three.

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The DS covers 90% of my RPG gaming. Sorry consoles, but you just don't cut it anymore.

I'm probably buying a 360 now too. Probably get one later this year for cheap on eBay.  My next purchase is still going to be a PS3.

naznatips said:
The DS covers 90% of my RPG gaming. Sorry consoles, but you just don't cut it anymore.

I'm probably buying a 360 now too. Probably get one later this year for cheap on eBay. My next purchase is still going to be a PS3.


PSP tends to have better RPG's than the DS and all the consoles. :P

i have Wii, PS3, 360 and i used to have a DS, i dont really play hadhelds much anymore, i still have a gameboy colour though!

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Words Of Wisdom said:
naznatips said:
The DS covers 90% of my RPG gaming. Sorry consoles, but you just don't cut it anymore.

I'm probably buying a 360 now too. Probably get one later this year for cheap on eBay. My next purchase is still going to be a PS3.


I never said I would never buy a 360, just not till the end of the generation.  But hell, they are like $200 on eBay new.  Might as well...

@JSF as an owner of the DS and former owner of the PSP I completely, totally, and absolutely disagree with that statement.  My PSP was stolen and I saw no need to replace it because basically all I used it for was a portable emulator.  I buy any good JRPG I can find, and all I found on the PSP was Jeanne D'Arc (not counting remakes).  Granted it was stolen before Crisis Core released, but even if it was good, two games hardly compare to the dozens on the DS.

lol@the Sony Defence Force for attempting to persuade people to not buy the X360.

And a HUGE LOL at recommendations to buy a PC, which cost $1000 and don't have JRPGs.

JSF said:
It's inevitable that the majority of JRPG's will wind up on either the Wii or the PS3. A huge chunk of the JRPG consumer pie is Japan, and those two consoles are the ones that rule Japan. In the end, it's still about making money, and JRPG's bread is buttered one way. The PS3's Japan presence is still relatively small at 2+ million (a sell-through rate of almost 50% would still be needed to sell a million copies), so JRPG publishers, who know most of their money is going to come from Japan, will try to delay their releases until after the Japan userbase balloons from a Final Fantasy launch or something, but, once it happens, you can expect a deluge of Japanese game launches.

In my opinion, the Microsoft strategy in pursuing Japan is flawed. It's not happening. Microsoft should abandon Japan and spend the money it's wasting on attempting to woo Japan towards solidying its waning advantage in the U.S. and trying to figure out Europe. Instead of solidly winning one of the three territories this gen, I think Microsoft will end up losing in all three.

 If Microsoft stops focusing on Japan, then the system will also lose Japanese software support.  I think that would be a horrible and flawed logic if they did that.

ssj12 said:
Buy a PC, it would be a better purchase.

...if he's got a spare 2 grand lying around

I keep on thinking about getting one again, but until they r top notch in the reliability area its not an option.
