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Forums - Sony Discussion - Thinking of joining the dark side.

For a game which will eventually come to PS3. And don't forgot the biggest and most expensive Jrpgs will come to PS3 only. FF13, FF13v and WKS and maybe KH!

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ssj12 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

No, no, no, the evil black PS3 is the darkside. Microsoft's big cuddly white 360 is the happy fun side.

Buy your 360 and experience true gaming happiness. Buy Live and experience the wonders of a decent online experience.

And then play. Be free of Sony's evil clutches and never look back! ^_^

right, that is one of M$ bs evils. Online should be FREE.

For most games, online should include centralized servers instead of going the cheap route and making home users, often with shitty or oversubscribed home connections, your servers.

Can't say I blame you. JRPG support for the PS3 has been lacking at best. In fact, at this point, it's pretty much non-existent. And it will continue to be non-existent until probably early next year which is the absolute earliest I would say that White Knight Story releases.

TheBigFatJ said:
ssj12 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

No, no, no, the evil black PS3 is the darkside. Microsoft's big cuddly white 360 is the happy fun side.

Buy your 360 and experience true gaming happiness. Buy Live and experience the wonders of a decent online experience.

And then play. Be free of Sony's evil clutches and never look back! ^_^

right, that is one of M$ bs evils. Online should be FREE.

For most games, online should include centralized servers instead of going the cheap route and making home users, often with shitty or oversubscribed home connections, your servers.

And paying for making home users the servers (XBox Live) is better than providing the "service" for free (PSN)?   Unless you are talking about PC gaming, which is still the king of multiplayer gaming IMO.

Just think of Lost Odyssey, maybe BD, there are also other gems like Mass Effect, even if some of them are avaliable on PC, I have no interest in PC gaming

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Domo-Kun said:

I think I'm going to buy a 360 this weekend. :(


I don't want to, but I think tri-Ace is forcing me into it. :( :(

I would argue that PS3 would be the dark side, considering it has been around longer and is so huge, and dark. And darth vader is coming to PS3 while yoda is coming to 360. You are more like a rebel for buying 360 ;)


Oh, c'mon now, Yoda is a midget.
Still, powerful he is.

You are already on the dark side. Time to use the light side of the Force.

But you are not a Jedi yet.....

Domo-Kun said:

I think I'm going to buy a 360 this weekend. :(


I don't want to, but I think tri-Ace is forcing me into it. :( :( 

Buying a system for 1 game is dumb as I learnt with Ninja Gaiden last generation. Make sure Star Ocean 4 is skipping PS3 and wait for its release before jumping into conclusion. Also, if it is a timed release, chances are the PS3 version would be superior. My 2 cents.

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Vesparia, Eternal Sonata.....

This list makes me very happy, yet very sad that it won't be coming for PS3.

We'll miss you George.



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