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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN AU Review MGS4 (9.5/10)

THe praise keeps puring in

definetely the BEST HD Exclusive

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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That lasting appeal comment is utter bulls**t. Throw away the MGO disc which will give hours and hours of online play, just play the single player campaign. WTH?!

Apart from that, very good review. Can't wait until the 17th.

why sould it get a lower score because there is no online? not all games are made for online or are supposed to be online..


well i guess its better then eurogamer and edge who gave th game an 8 and brough tdown the average review score by alot. it would still be in the high 90 if it wasnt for them to sites. meh they are just looking for attention

SpartanFX said:
Shameless said:
What the hell? They rated down the lifespan because they 'only came for the single player?' I didn't see anyone do that when COD4 or GTA4 were reviewed...

lool,,exactly what the hell was that supose too mean,,,,we came for single player and we don't care it has online component,,,so lasting apeal gets deducted

 just an excuse to bring the games score down i think.


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Ajax said:
why sould it get a lower score because there is no online? not all games are made for online or are supposed to be online..

 But it does have online, and from what I have played, it is excellent.

I loved the online too, very entertaining, dare i say, the most humourous and entertaining online i've had this year, COD4 and GTA4 included. There's a catch though, the game has a high learning curve, you don't just jump in it like in COD4 for example, you really have to practice and learn the tricks before you can stand a chance, and that's the main reason i think it'll not become mainstream.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

The final comment about MGO is VERY unproffessional...

I feel reviewers WANT some way to push this down to make sure they can't possibly give 2 extremely high scores out in 2 months.....

If MGS4 came before GTA IV the reviews would've been higher..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Wow @ the lasting appeal comment.

Next month 

Orange Box rated 4.5

Lasting Appeal - Portal, Half Life 2, Episode 1, Team Fortress or not, we only came for Episode 2.

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Woooo, all the IGNS are loving it!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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