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Forums - Sony Discussion - What the hell is SCEJ doing?

meh, what are they doing tho tbh, i can not remember them announcing anything special, i hope they have something good for E3

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kingofwale said:
Okay, I'm sick of this fanboy wagon-jumping.

This is what most likely happened.

*at SCEJ headquarter*

person 1: "We just heard from SE, Microsoft is offering 20 million dollars for SC time-exclusivity"

Person 2: "Damn, We really don't want to lose it"

person 1: "Yeah, our fans loved it

Person 2: "But 20 million dollars, we could make 2 AAA games with that.

Person 1: "Screw it, let Microsoft have it for a year"


How do you match the money throw around by Microsoft??? YOu don't, you focus on your own games.

Where are those AAA games?  Were they just sitting around with their thumbs in their bums while they waited for a reason to start making games?  Maybe a in a few years? 

Yeh, but they are not really making many AAA games themselves


exactly I want to know EXACTLY what SCEJ have been upto....were they on a big vacation or what

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

dude, this is Krazy Ken´s revenge on them ;_;

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Sony has been nothing short of completely fucking pathetic in Japan. They're just letting everything and I mean everything get away from them.

If we don't see a major reaction from Sony of Japan with all the news about 360's RPGS,then I'll believe the things are worst than we thought in Sony's gaming division.(At least in Japan).

Step it up Sony

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

i hope there will be some good announcements on jrpgs for the ps3 at E3

Come on you crazy japanese, get it going

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot