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Forums - Sony Discussion - What the hell is SCEJ doing?

SpartanFX said:

how many game studios sony has in SCEJ?IS it only one or two?casue that's only one game and we ahven't heard about that for a while

I think it seems really odd how silent they have been.

SCEJ is like Nintendo EAD.  It's one large studio that consists of many smaller teams that make a lot of games. Most teams are just called SCEJ, but a few actually have names like Team ICO.

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Im sure they're doing something big for the consoles but are mainly focused on bringing PSN games like echochrome.

  • Clap Hanz  made hot shots golf, and did localization for the north american and european releases.  is working on who knows what now.
  • Polyphony Digital  is obviously making gt5 as gran turismo is pretty much all they do.
  • SCE Japan Studio is making siren, and has been making psn games as well, also from what I hear are working on the firmware.
  • Team ICO is obviously making their next game.

this doesn't include any of the stuff they are doing that pertains to the psp or ps2.

but they should know that online gaming is not big in their conutry,,so they should focused on disk based titles.and work on PSN as side projects.even I know that.




it's very sad the support so far.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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No idea

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ssj12 said:
They might be doing a sequel to Folklore.

 I enjoyed Folklore but didn't it do very poorly at retail? Or were you making a joke that just went over my head?

ssj12 said:
They might be doing a sequel to Folklore.

 but that's just one game and what we know only 2 other games they are working on?they need to put out like10 games a year,,,they ahve the game engine,they ahve the man force,they haev the money,,,they are not focusing much on PS3 for some reason




skip said:
  • Clap Hanz made hot shots golf, and did localization for the north american and european releases. is working on who knows what now.
  • Polyphony Digital is obviously making gt5 as gran turismo is pretty much all they do.
  • SCE Japan Studio is making siren, and has been making psn games as well, also from what I hear are working on the firmware.
  • Team ICO is obviously making their next game.

this doesn't include any of the stuff they are doing that pertains to the psp or ps2.
8% of SE as well. For the fanboys ; )





ssj12 said:
They might be doing a sequel to Folklore.

 Folklore was 2nd party.  Game Republic (the guys behind Genji) developed the game.