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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch owners; what games do you still plan to get?

killeryoshis said:

I am rebuying Xenoblade X. A long time ago, when the original came out (10 years ago? What!), I made a thread complaining about the offensive cliffhanger in Xenoblade X. How could the creators of this wonderful game leave such an infinite amount of cliffhangers that make me want to rip my hair out? For ten years I have dealt with this horrible age. Ten long years of pain and suffering, thinking it would never end because Monolith Soft would never make a sequel. Then hope.

Look! My wishes could be answered!

Brand-New Post-Game Content

The Cliffhanger On The Wii U Version Will Be Resolved

Finally! All I have to do is play the 100+ hour game, and the ten-year suffering will end. While everyone is playing it for the first time, I will be reliving the old days and receive an answer I long sought for. 

Considering XCX DE will sell quite well in the most likely scenario, I think releasing XCX 2 around 2030 or after is a great idea. It could be a later title or outright swan song for Switch 2. 

XC4 needs to come first. XC DE, 2, and 3 are the best-selling games in the series. All in all, Switch 2 should get 2 new Xenoblade games like Switch did as long as they're paced properly, and Monolith can make great games and give a good work-life balance to their employees. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

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I’m in my hunkering down phase right now as we head into the Switch 2. I haven’t bought many new Nintendo published Switch Games in the past year, even skipping out on the 2D Zelda. I’ve mostly been cleaning out the backlog and occasionally finding something the girlfriend and I can play together (on separate TVs/switches).

That being said, I cannot resist Xenoblade Chronicles X. I’ve been trying to get into Xenoblade Chronicles and the experience has been slightly underwhelming, but I suppose that should be expected from a Wii era game. X was so much fun and I never even played long enough to get a Skell (I think I put like 50-60 hours in on WiiU). So I’m definitely looking forward to returning to Mira.

After that, I’m probably in a holding pattern until the Switch 2 launches. If MP4 is Switch exclusive that will definitely be my final Switch purchase.

Now all those games in this thread, as well as many other titles, are certainly in my crosshairs on my Switch 2 once the launch titles have dried up and the inevitable calm before the next release storm happens.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a must, and MP4 maybe with Switch 2, I wish I could wait to play Xenoblade X until the new console is released, but I love how they fix every detail in that game and want to play it yesterday.

BasilZero said:
BasilZero said:

For MAR10 day - since they are going to have a sale

-Princess Peach Showtime - $40
-Mario VS DK - $30

I'm gonna get a Switch voucher after I buy some e-shop cards from Costco since they are cheaper than anywhere else, gonna get the following two...

-Super Mario Party Jamboree
-Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition

Afterwards, when they go on sale (eshop cards) at Costco (or if I buy them sometime down the line again), I'll get

-The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
-Donkey Kong Country Returns HD

Got myself Mario VS DK on the eShop the other day.

It was $35 but I had about $12 worth of gold coins/points so got it there.

Here's hoping there's digital codes for the Princess Peach game at one of the retailers I buy from (Amazon, Best Buy, Target).

Just bought Princess Peach: Show time for $40 for the digital version at Target.

Nice, I got what I wanted for this year's MAR10

Now waiting to see if I can get a costco deal for eshop cards.

Metroid4, little nightm$ares 3, marvel vs capcom collection

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BasilZero said:
BasilZero said:

Got myself Mario VS DK on the eShop the other day.

It was $35 but I had about $12 worth of gold coins/points so got it there.

Here's hoping there's digital codes for the Princess Peach game at one of the retailers I buy from (Amazon, Best Buy, Target).

Just bought Princess Peach: Show time for $40 for the digital version at Target.

Nice, I got what I wanted for this year's MAR10

Now waiting to see if I can get a costco deal for eshop cards.

Due to a new egg deal that I found - I bought eshop cards for $88 - $2 isnt that much of a big difference but its whatever.

Bought vouchers and ended up pre-ordering Xenoblade Chronicles X and bought Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.

I'll wait for the Costco deal or another good deal - and will get Zelda Echoes and Super Mario Party Jamboree with it.