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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best Wii game, besides Mario Galaxy 1/2

The_Liquid_Laser said:

Wii Sports Resort

It's still the best motion controls game ever made.  I would love to see someone try to make a game that bests this title.  That would include picking one sport, like Archery, and making some awesome action adventure game with motion+ control archery as the main mechanic.  Even without this though, there is just so much endless fun in Wii Sports Resort.

I enjoyed this one quite a bit, but, seriously, the best motion controls game ever was Excitebots, like I said above. And it didn't even need motion plus, which was just insane.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

Wii Sports Resort

It's still the best motion controls game ever made.  I would love to see someone try to make a game that bests this title.  That would include picking one sport, like Archery, and making some awesome action adventure game with motion+ control archery as the main mechanic.  Even without this though, there is just so much endless fun in Wii Sports Resort.

Yeah, Wii Sports Resort was great. Some of the sports were not as good, but as you had enough to choose from it was still more than enough to play. I also liked how all events were placed on the map of Wuhu island and some of the sports even traversed parts of it. The plane allowed you to fly over the whole island and visit all the places for events. I wish Nintendo would bring back Wuhu island.

The only thing I want in a future game is that I can actually move around the island and as I arrive the place start the events instead of only via menu. Go Vacation had this and while Go Vacation has worse overall events, I really like to traverse the place itself and being able to start event and even use (depending on the region different) vehicles to drive here, some of which vehicles also could be used in sport events.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

farlaff said:

2. best multiplayer

Mnementh said:

Monster Hunter Tri

I mean, my profile picture must show how much I love this one. Hunting in groups for more than a year was a blast. I purchased a WiiU pretty much just to play the enhanced version. No regrets either. Would do it again.

Hehe, my profile picture is also Monster Hunter 3, Kayamba and ChaCha.

I actually play any Monster Hunter barely in Multiplayer, but instead Single player. While MonHun Rise has really cool stuff MonHun Tri I liked a lot too, because I could actually roam Moga island without direct quest and the ecosystem felt reacting to each other. Tri is the only game with underwater combat in the series and you will never experience the awesomeness of Lagiacrus if Capcom doesn't bring it back. I know many hated it, but I like that there were two very different ways to fight, switching between water and land made a fight feel very different. That is probably why Capcom never revisited it, because the monsters needed two different move sets and the hunters with different weapons as well.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:
farlaff said:

2. best multiplayer

I mean, my profile picture must show how much I love this one. Hunting in groups for more than a year was a blast. I purchased a WiiU pretty much just to play the enhanced version. No regrets either. Would do it again.

Hehe, my profile picture is also Monster Hunter 3, Kayamba and ChaCha.

I actually play any Monster Hunter barely in Multiplayer, but instead Single player. While MonHun Rise has really cool stuff MonHun Tri I liked a lot too, because I could actually roam Moga island without direct quest and the ecosystem felt reacting to each other. Tri is the only game with underwater combat in the series and you will never experience the awesomeness of Lagiacrus if Capcom doesn't bring it back. I know many hated it, but I like that there were two very different ways to fight, switching between water and land made a fight feel very different. That is probably why Capcom never revisited it, because the monsters needed two different move sets and the hunters with different weapons as well.

Nice to see other MHTri players!

It was my most played game of that entire generation, I sunk more than 1000 hours into it. The thrill of the hunt was so addictive, and as someone who's not usually into online multiplayer, it's one of the few games where that component managed to hook me. Teaming up to take down massive monstrosities was such a rush.

Definitely one of the best games on Wii in my book.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom is the best fighting game on the system
One good RPG no one mentions because it was stuck in Japan. Earth Seeker

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Tri got some heat for the slim monster roster upon release, especially from the people who weren't familiar with the fact that MH games get their G rank in expansions but it had an all-new, well designed and no-subspieces roster.

Great online, great areas, great atmosphere, long live Loc Lac.

One thing that gets understandably overlooked due to it coming out in 2010 is that the model work and armor/wep textures are pretty damn good for a game running on the Wii.

AddRat said:

Tri got some heat for the slim monster roster upon release, especially from the people who weren't familiar with the fact that MH games get their G rank in expansions but it had an all-new, well designed and no-subspieces roster.

Great online, great areas, great atmosphere, long live Loc Lac.

One thing that gets understandably overlooked due to it coming out in 2010 is that the model work and armor/wep textures are pretty damn good for a game running on the Wii.

Damn impressive! They translated those to HD with almost zero work and it (kinda) kept looking good.

curl-6 said:
Mnementh said:

Hehe, my profile picture is also Monster Hunter 3, Kayamba and ChaCha.

I actually play any Monster Hunter barely in Multiplayer, but instead Single player. While MonHun Rise has really cool stuff MonHun Tri I liked a lot too, because I could actually roam Moga island without direct quest and the ecosystem felt reacting to each other. Tri is the only game with underwater combat in the series and you will never experience the awesomeness of Lagiacrus if Capcom doesn't bring it back. I know many hated it, but I like that there were two very different ways to fight, switching between water and land made a fight feel very different. That is probably why Capcom never revisited it, because the monsters needed two different move sets and the hunters with different weapons as well.

Nice to see other MHTri players!

It was my most played game of that entire generation, I sunk more than 1000 hours into it. The thrill of the hunt was so addictive, and as someone who's not usually into online multiplayer, it's one of the few games where that component managed to hook me. Teaming up to take down massive monstrosities was such a rush.

Definitely one of the best games on Wii in my book.

800 hours here, plus 1400+ on 3U, where the weapon balance was ridiculously good! I'm so invested in that world that I came back to Rise after skipping post generations, and to my surprise it was pretty much based on the Tri echo-space (excluding water fights). Almost as if i had never left.

Mnementh said:
farlaff said:

2. best multiplayer

I mean, my profile picture must show how much I love this one. Hunting in groups for more than a year was a blast. I purchased a WiiU pretty much just to play the enhanced version. No regrets either. Would do it again.

Hehe, my profile picture is also Monster Hunter 3, Kayamba and ChaCha.

I actually play any Monster Hunter barely in Multiplayer, but instead Single player. While MonHun Rise has really cool stuff MonHun Tri I liked a lot too, because I could actually roam Moga island without direct quest and the ecosystem felt reacting to each other. Tri is the only game with underwater combat in the series and you will never experience the awesomeness of Lagiacrus if Capcom doesn't bring it back. I know many hated it, but I like that there were two very different ways to fight, switching between water and land made a fight feel very different. That is probably why Capcom never revisited it, because the monsters needed two different move sets and the hunters with different weapons as well.

Yeah, I played Rise and 3U offline the most. Rise's multi experience was iffy, perhaps because Capcom tried to maintain lots of sprites and effects cohesive during massive fights instead of removing some parts for better performance.

Monster Hunter Tri is a game I bought, was excited for based on the previews, but that once I started playing I really didn’t like. I know I didn’t give it a chance (maybe played it twice), but something was telling me I wasn’t going to enjoy the gameplay loop. Might have to give it a “tri” again one of these days.