killer7 said:
CaptainExplosion said:
I'm gonna say Nintendo and Sony are in competition. Nintendo and Microsoft not so much anymore.
Why not Microsoft and Nintendo? MS still sells consoles. If they quit, it will be Sony vs Nintendo all the way.
I see the point. Microsoft is starting to not be a direct competitor anymore, and is more like Apple, Valve, and others.
Microsoft created the Xbox at a time when consoles seemed like they could be a threat to Windows, potentially becoming people’s "all-in-one media box" and a way to bring the internet into homes, while also controlling the booming gaming market. Today, Microsoft faces much more competition from companies like Valve, Apple, Samsung, Disney, Netflix, and others.
We’ve also seen that Microsoft is becoming much more friendly toward Nintendo. There are leaks suggesting that Microsoft is the biggest third-party supporter for the Switch 2. I can see that happening.
If any of the companies Microsoft is competing with, or even Microsoft itself, were to get Nintendo’s "gold" on their service, it could make a huge impact.
As for the topic, Sony wishes they weren’t
Last edited by FromDK - on 23 January 2025