Machina said:
I would (barring negative fan reviews/word of mouth for the game itself), but it's one of only a handful of games I'd be prepared to pay that much for, so if the industry as a whole thinks "well, GTA can get away with it, so can we", then a lot of publishers are going to be disappointed.
Yes but this previously happened before over time when games used to cost £40 here, then they went up to £55, then £60, now £70, and finally £80-100, and all because each big publisher that had enough rep/power/IP's was able to push for those over time.
I mean look at each time games recieve a price increase, it starts off with 1-2 big fish publishers, then the articles start coming out defending the price increases, and then the smaller publishers start coming up with wild excuses as to why they too will be pricing their games at higher prices.
This is all how it starts, it's a nasty, nasty mind game of drawing lines in the sand between publisher and the customer, only we don't pay much attention to it, or we either get gaslit or roll with "something is worth whatever the price someone pays for it" (which is mindless logic, because if that was applied en mass, society would be fucked, thus I ignore/defy that statement).
If T2 really wants to increase the base price higher than what other games are charging, then that will be them acting as the next markers to lead the other publishers into also charging more money. It stops when people realise enough is enough. I know if T2 does this and gets away with it, SE/MS/Sony/Nintendo/Capcom/EA/Ubi will all end up following that as the new trend, and then even more people will be barred as a result.
Sure some publishers could become disappointed if they don't have enough sway and not many people buy their game, but today in most cases it falls down to a game being straight up bad/not interesting, broken for months, or targeting a genre/audience that was niche/not there to begin with (aka the "modern audience"), for a lack of people buying into their higher prices.
I already mentioned this in the main PC thread, but I am effectively screwed out of Nvidia's brand going forward due to their higher pricing models, and AAA has been forcing me out via multiple account systems, forced region locking and so on. People don't seem to fully realise letting the bad practices flow through a dam like a tidal wave are just going to cause damage for other people over the long-term. What you are happy with paying more and more money for will only end up with you having to pay more and more, while others like me get left in the dust because we're not making thousands a month.
Do you see where I'm coming from with this?.
Last edited by Chazore - on 24 January 2025