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Forums - Sports Discussion - Post your workout today

Lets make this thread about what we are doing lately for our workouts.  

I've always done a lot of endurance stuff but i'm trying to be more well rounded and incorporate strength and flexibility training now.  I'll let y'all know what i do today before bed, not that anybody is dying to know.  But its good to have a play by play kind of thread so that we can learn from each other.  

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Let's see your strength regimen man.

Bench 3x6
Incline Bench 4x8

Dumbell Curls 3x8
Bar Curls 4x8
Preachers 4x8
Hammers 3x8
Basin Cable Curls 3x10

Flys 4x12
Dips 4x8
Cable Rows 3x15/15/12
Lat Pull Downs 3x8


A few notes: I don't always utilize all the curls. Typically I favor dums and hammers over others, followed by Basin and maybe Preacher if I'm feeling particularly masochistic.

I've neglected Dips as I don't often feel it's worth it. Maybe that will change.

I hate Deadlifting - it's so unrewarding for such a concentration intense motion. That will likely never change.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

I don't workout or go to the gym anymore. Last time was during corona a few years ago.

Still, I commute everyday by bicycle, and my job keeps me somewhat healthy, standing/walking for most of the day.

I can still do more than 10 pull ups. Beat my sporty teenage cousin last summer in a pull up competition. Not sure how long that will last.

Flexibility has also taken a hit, unlike my strength, I don't think it is ever recoverable.

I gave up. My health does feel worse for it but as much as I put it on the list of things to do it always falls to the side. Some stretching alone though, some Thai chi can be just as good, I fit some of that in every now and then..

I cant go outside because I just use the right eye, and I cant make many basic exercises because i have neural problems and I can die in any moment because of it, so the doctors said for me to just do light exercises and eat better for mantain my weight (72kg). I live with my father, but I resell games (buy for a very low price in grey market), old/vintage games, collectors edition, etc, so I can buy my things without ask/beg for anyone. 

PS: My dad is rich, he works as a manager and he represents Brazil in a Chinese company, and he invest in crypto too. but in my house we dont ask for money, just for cases like hospital, studies, etc.

Last edited by Shikamo - on 28 November 2024

SteamMyAnimeList and Twitter - PSN: Gustavo_Valim - Switch FC: 6390-8693-0129 (=^・ω・^=)

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IkePoR said:

Let's see your strength regimen man.

Bench 3x6
Incline Bench 4x8

Dumbell Curls 3x8
Bar Curls 4x8
Preachers 4x8
Hammers 3x8
Basin Cable Curls 3x10

Flys 4x12
Dips 4x8
Cable Rows 3x15/15/12
Lat Pull Downs 3x8


A few notes: I don't always utilize all the curls. Typically I favor dums and hammers over others, followed by Basin and maybe Preacher if I'm feeling particularly masochistic.

I've neglected Dips as I don't often feel it's worth it. Maybe that will change.

I hate Deadlifting - it's so unrewarding for such a concentration intense motion. That will likely never change.

I'll post what i do later tonight.  Today i'm just working out in a home gym since everything is closed in the states.  But i've got a setup.  I have a rowing machine, spin bike, kettlebells, dumbells and an ez bar.  I can watch a movie while i'm on my bike or doing yoga in the living room. 

So it's decent.  I just don't have those bigger setups that you see people have, such as squat racks or benches or whatever in their houses.    

IkePoR said:

Let's see your strength regimen man.

Bench 3x6
Incline Bench 4x8

Dumbell Curls 3x8
Bar Curls 4x8
Preachers 4x8
Hammers 3x8
Basin Cable Curls 3x10

Flys 4x12
Dips 4x8
Cable Rows 3x15/15/12
Lat Pull Downs 3x8


A few notes: I don't always utilize all the curls. Typically I favor dums and hammers over others, followed by Basin and maybe Preacher if I'm feeling particularly masochistic.

I've neglected Dips as I don't often feel it's worth it. Maybe that will change.

I hate Deadlifting - it's so unrewarding for such a concentration intense motion. That will likely never change.

lots of curls.  

I don't do curls because i feel like i pull enough already with my rowing machine and kettlebell work.  But i do inverse military presses so that i work the smaller tricep muscles and tricep pushdowns a few days out of the week.  

LegitHyperbole said:

I gave up. My health does feel worse for it but as much as I put it on the list of things to do it always falls to the side. Some stretching alone though, some Thai chi can be just as good, I fit some of that in every now and then..

I hear ya man.  It's hard to motivate yourself sometimes.  You see the juice as not worth the squeeze.  I do the same thing and i've been lazy all week, today will be the first day since sunday that i've really done anything for more than an hour total in the day.  

shavenferret said:
IkePoR said:

Let's see your strength regimen man.

Bench 3x6
Incline Bench 4x8

Dumbell Curls 3x8
Bar Curls 4x8
Preachers 4x8
Hammers 3x8
Basin Cable Curls 3x10

Flys 4x12
Dips 4x8
Cable Rows 3x15/15/12
Lat Pull Downs 3x8


A few notes: I don't always utilize all the curls. Typically I favor dums and hammers over others, followed by Basin and maybe Preacher if I'm feeling particularly masochistic.

I've neglected Dips as I don't often feel it's worth it. Maybe that will change.

I hate Deadlifting - it's so unrewarding for such a concentration intense motion. That will likely never change.

lots of curls.  

Every day is arm day.  

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

shavenferret said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I gave up. My health does feel worse for it but as much as I put it on the list of things to do it always falls to the side. Some stretching alone though, some Thai chi can be just as good, I fit some of that in every now and then..

I hear ya man.  It's hard to motivate yourself sometimes.  You see the juice as not worth the squeeze.  I do the same thing and i've been lazy all week, today will be the first day since sunday that i've really done anything for more than an hour total in the day.  

If you can push yourself to do it, it's worth it though. You instantly feel good after it but good luck telling yourself that before hand.